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It's been three days that Jungkook is not talking to Taehyung, and the ball is in two days the family of the duke has arrived of course. The duke's son has been completely and full on without shame flirting with his-- Taehyung. Just Taehyung. With His Majesty, which obviously didn't itch him at all because why would it? what right does an powerless little solider have on him? on his Majesty? so, Jungkook did the best, ignored them. When Taehyung called him for work(which he obviously knew was an act) he did his own work, trained with his friends and worked more.

But with all the ignorance he still couldn't throw out the thought of Taehyung out of his mind?

Jungkook was not angry at Taehyung, because Taehyung was his no. one fan, he was the only one who hoped for Jungkook's power, only one to think how majestic it would be.

Only one who would fight the world for him, but is restraining, he knows because he can read him, not that Taehyung has to know, he knows how many fights he has had with everyone, and his loving Grandma but now he has to wait because if he won't, he'll put his people in danger. And Taehyung for the sake of God cannot think about it.

The night of the fight was not really sad till the fight and thinking of what they did that night still makes Jungkook embarrassed





Jungkook had one rule for the night: no touching. That was easy enough, right?

That's what he thought, but here he was crying like a pathetic animal for Taehyung's permission to touch his cock, but his hyung wasn't giving up. Oh no. Nothing was going to stop Taehyung now. He had spent so long prepping Jungkook. Though, the younger would say it was more like torture.

The state of his body would tell anyone that, honestly. With his nipples red and puffy and his eyes that matched. His tear stained cheeks and the red marks around his wrists from him fighting the handcuffs that were keeping his hands at bay. And of course, his cock. His thick, throbbing cock that lay helplessly on his stomach, leaking like a hose that was left on.

"Please, hyung~" Jungkook cried, "Please~!"

"Beg all you want, Jungkookie," Taehyung hummed, completely focused on stretching out Jungkook's tight hole with his fingers. If you had just seen his face, you would've never had guessed he was torturing his poor baby. "Rules are rules."

Taehyung and his games . Jungkook threw his head back into his pillow and growled out in frustration, and Taehyung just laughed. Even like this, Taehyung's chuckle sounded angelic to him. Even while he was torturing him, Jungkook couldn't fathom a more perfect person.

"I think you're ready, baby," Taehyung said casually, pulling his fingers out and reaching for the bottle of lube, "You've had enough,"

"Thank god," Jungkook breathed out quickly, eyes focused on the ceiling, "Thank you, thank you, thank you,"

Again, Taehyung laughed. The sound was soft as he smiled, admiring the state he had managed to put the younger in, but this was only the beginning of it. He lubed up the dildo . He felt a tug inside of him as he stroked himself, but it felt nice.

"Breathe for me, baby," Taehyung said, raising up on his knees and being Jungkook's legs up with him. Jungkook did as he was told. Taking deep breaths, he watched as the plastic toy sunk into him. It wasn't a tight fit. Taehyung had let him pick the size(the toy was nothing in comparison to Taehyung), but it was still enough to make the boy see stars when Taehyung started thrusting it into him. He wanted his dick instead, but the pleasure didn't let him be stuck on that thought for much long.

"There you go," Taehyung praised, his hands working up to a steady slow pace, "That feel good?"

"Yeah~ Yeah~" Jungkook breathed. He was too focused on the pleasure in his hole now to remember his cock, but that didn't last long. Not with Taehyung taunting him about it, and not with his hands gaining speed and strength.

That's when the begging started again. And the crying. Taehyung just smirked to himself as he listened to his baby cry out to be touched, to be awarded any type of contact to his cock, but he wasn't going to get it.

"C'mon, baby," Taehyung encouraged, "you can do it. I know you can,"

"Hyung~" he choked out, eyes meeting with Taehyung who was hovering over him, "Please~ Need ... need more~"

"Need more?" Taehyung repeated to confirm, and Jungkook nodded his head. However, this didn't get Jungkook what he wanted, what he expected. Instead, Taehyung stilled his hands and reached down to fumble with something before returning to his assault on Jungkook's prostate, that toy now vibrating inside of the younger. "That better?"

Jungkook immediately screamed. The feeling was so overwhelming. It was too much. He couldn't see straight anymore. He felt his calves tense and his back arch as the familiar feeling of euphoria ripped through him. This time, though, it was a thousand times more intense. He'd never felt anything like it before.

"There we go~" Taehyung praised with the proudest smile on his face, "That's my good boy~"

Jungkook babbled through his moans. Taehyung's name, profanities, thanks, anything his brain could manage to put together. Along with sounds his brain couldn't string together into words as his body spasmed out of his control. Taehyung fucked him through it all until he started begging for him to stop.

"Look at that," Taehyung breathed in amazement after turning off the vibrator in the toy and taking in his work. "You came all over yourself, Jungkookie ... and I didn't even touch you,"

It was true. Jungkook's chest was heaving, and it was covered in his own cum. The liquid was spurred all over his pecs and stomach as he came, and his dick hadn't even been touched. It was a bit embarrassing ... really embarrassing . Jungkook felt it set in as he came down from his high. The feeling of Taehyung pulling out the toy made him come back to reality a little bit.

"You okay, baby?" Taehyung questioned once he got Jungkook's hands free from his restraints.

"That was so embarrassing," Jungkook mumbled shyly as he brought his hands to cover his face, "Oh my god,"

"You did well, Jungkookie," Taehyung praised with a soft laugh as he laid next to him, after he cummed too.. He rested his head on one hand and the other cradled Jungkook's face to make him look at him, "and you liked it ."

As Jungkook looked up into his glimmering eyes, he knew this wouldn't be the last time Taehyung pushed him to his limits, but he knew that it wouldn't be the last time he enjoyed it either, but what he didn't knew what will happen right after will ruin their relationship.

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