Chapter 13: Marvie

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Hello~! As you might notice when reading this chapter, we changed past tense to present tense! Just to see if it would make a 'better' difference. 

What do you prefer? 

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Marvie walked out of the sewer. She took a deep breath because it smelled so bad in there that it felt like she couldn't breathe, but also to calm the overwhelming sense of panic that was overtaking her. 

To some degree because she once again was breaking the laws that had just gotten her, and especially Neo in trouble. This didn't seem quite as daunting as it would have even two months ago, but still scary. 

Until now her dad had been infallible. He had always known everything. He had been a pillar that had held her up, and now that pillar was crumbling. 

He had made a mistake, and like a dam breaking, Marvie suddenly realized that he could do that.

So even though Marvie was taking the same route she had always taken with Neo, the route that made sure that the cameras couldn't fully capture her, she felt she looked manic running through the streets, getting looks from the people that she passed on the street.

Soon she realized that there was no sense in running when she didn't even know what she was doing, where she should go. 

She stopped abruptly and then resumed moving forward at a walking space to avoid looking suspicious or getting approached by anyone in the street.

Marvie's first thought went to his sister, but she probably didn't know anything, maybe Neo's mom, but no she didn't seem close enough to Neo to know anything. 

His friends were the best bet, she decided. 

She started walking towards the bar; of course, she didn't know if they would be there, but if they weren't, she hoped that Normik could lead her on the right track. Marvie could see no other option than the bar.

The walk to the bar was long and filled with fear, dread, and paranoia, but she finally arrived. She pushed the door open and stepped in, a few eyes landed on her, but most people just kept going about their business. 

She looked around in the dim room trying to spot one of his friends whom she met for the first time mere hours ago, but they were not to be seen anywhere. 

Nomik was standing behind the bar. He was drying a glass and already looking at her, when she stood before the bar itself he said in a quiet voice:

"Girl, what are you doing here alone? You look worried, where's Neo?"

His tone was gruff but still edged with concern. Marvie didn't know what to say. She was always stern and to the point but this day had been nothing but unwelcome surprises, sorrow, and confusion. 

All she ended up saying was: "I need to talk to his friends. I need their help" 

Nomik just gave her a court nod, before he disappeared through a door in the back of the bar. Marvie waited, tripping nervously as she could feel stares at her back. She stood out, and everyone was starting to notice.

The weight lifted from her shoulders as the door opened and Nomik came out, someone else stepped out behind him, Rea. 

She seemed taller now that they were both standing, just a few inches, but still enough that when she looked down at Marvie and said "What's going on?" it made Marvie feel small. 

She swallowed before answering, "Neo needs your help. He's in danger." 

Rea looked Marvie up and down before answering curtly "Follow me" and turning around, walking into the room she had just come from. Marvie followed.

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