𝟏𝟏: 𝐔𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧

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In the wake of the TriWizard Tournament announcement and the unexpected reunion of Hermione and Lucian, the students began to leave the Great Hall, their excitement palpable

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In the wake of the TriWizard Tournament announcement and the unexpected reunion of Hermione and Lucian, the students began to leave the Great Hall, their excitement palpable. Hermione found herself swept up in the crowd, her thoughts a jumble of curiosity and wonder about the upcoming school year and the presence of Ilvermorny students at Hogwarts.

As she made her way through the bustling hallways, Hermione's mind returned to the mysterious Ilvermorny student who had vaguely resembled Lucian. She shook off the thought, convinced that it was merely a trick of her imagination. The possibility of Lucian's presence at Hogwarts seemed too incredible to consider.

Lucian, on the other hand, had decided to take a more proactive approach. He couldn't let this chance encounter slip away, not after the magical summer they had shared. He began weaving his way through the crowd of Hogwarts students, determined to find Hermione once more.

In the midst of the busy corridors, the two friends were once again drawn together by a twist of fate. As Lucian tapped Hermione gently on the shoulder, she turned around, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of him.

Their smiles were genuine, filled with the joy of reuniting unexpectedly. They embraced once more, a gesture that felt even more meaningful within the enchanting walls of Hogwarts.

As they pulled back from the hug, Hermione couldn't help but voice the question that had been on her mind since their reunion, "Why didn't you tell me you were a wizard?"

Lucian chuckled softly, his gaze locked with hers. "The same reason you didn't tell me, Hermione. It's a secret world, and sometimes, we have to keep it hidden."

Hermione nodded, understanding the weight of their shared secret. Their conversation flowed easily as they discussed their anticipation for the upcoming school year and the mysteries that Hogwarts held.

However, the intimate exchange did not go unnoticed by their friends. Nearby, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Neville had been watching the reunion unfold, their curiosity piqued.

Ron couldn't contain his curiosity any longer and asked with a hint of snark, "Hermione, who's your friend?"

Hermione cleared her throat and introduced Lucian with a smile, "This is Lucian Everhart. He's from the United States, and we met over the summer."

Lucian nodded, offering a friendly greeting, "Nice to meet you all."

Ron raised an eyebrow, a touch of surprise evident in his voice. "The United States, huh? Hermione, you never mentioned him."

Hermione blushed slightly, realizing that she hadn't shared this part of her life with her closest friends. "Well, it was a bit of a whirlwind summer, and there were reasons for keeping things quiet."

As the group engaged in conversation, they quickly realized that Lucian was not just a typical student. His background as an international student from Ilvermorny and his knowledge of American wizardry added an intriguing layer to their discussions.

Lucian couldn't help but be intrigued by the group before him, especially the famous Harry Potter. "It's incredible to meet you all. I've heard so much about Hogwarts and your adventures, especially yours, Harry."

Harry, ever humble, grinned and extended a hand. "Likewise, Lucian. You'll have to tell us more about Ilvermorny."

Lucian shook Harry's hand with enthusiasm. "I'd love to. It's quite a magical place, much like Hogwarts. And it's going to be amazing spending the year here."

As the group continued to chat, the initial awkwardness between Lucian and Hermione began to dissipate. The shared excitement of the new school year, the impending TriWizard Tournament, and the joy of reuniting with old friends and making new ones hung in the air.

While Lucian had been pleasantly surprised by Hermione's secret life at Hogwarts, Hermione couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected reunion that had brought Lucian into her magical world once again.

Ron, on the other hand, couldn't quite shake off his initial surprise and was finding it challenging to hide a hint of jealousy. He had always been protective of Hermione, and seeing her so comfortable with this newcomer made him slightly uneasy.

Lucian and Hermione continued to chat animatedly, sharing their experiences from the summer. Their words were filled with warmth and familiarity, an undeniable connection that had been rekindled within the enchanting walls of Hogwarts.

Lucian, feeling a certain magnetic pull, couldn't help but let his gaze linger on Hermione's expressive eyes and the way her lips curled into a smile as she spoke. Their bond had a romantic undertone that neither of them could deny, though it remained unspoken.

Amid the laughter and camaraderie, Lucian and Hermione felt like the center of each other's world. Ron's jealousy may have simmered, but the chemistry between the two friends was undeniable.

As Lucian and Hermione continued their animated conversation, they remained blissfully unaware of the curious glances directed their way by the witches and wizards from Ilvermorny. Among them, Lucian was indeed one of the most popular students, known for his friendly demeanor and remarkable talents.

The Ilvermorny students exchanged knowing looks, their whispers filled with speculation about the nature of Lucian's connection with Hermione Granger from Hogwarts. A few nudged each other and discreetly pointed in their direction.

Hermione, however, was not oblivious to the hushed conversations and curious gazes that followed them. She caught glimpses of exchanged glances and overheard snippets of discussion. The Ilvermorny students seemed intrigued by her friendship with Lucian, and Hermione couldn't help but feel a twinge of discomfort.

Suppressing her unease, Hermione continued her conversation with Lucian, determined not to let the attention from their fellow Ilvermorny students distract her. After all, her friendship with Lucian was special to her, and she wasn't about to let gossip or speculation tarnish their connection.

As they approached the entrance to the Gryffindor common room, Hermione turned to Lucian, a small smile playing on her lips. "I'm so glad you're here, Lucian. This year is going to be extraordinary."

Lucian's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "I couldn't agree more, Hermione. And I'm grateful for our unexpected reunion."

With that sentiment, they bid each other goodnight and parted ways, Hermione entering the common room, and Lucian continuing his journey to the Ilvermorny students' temporary quarters at Hogwarts.

Inside the Gryffindor common room, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Neville observed Hermione's return with keen interest. Ron's initial jealousy had subsided somewhat, but his curiosity had only intensified.

Ginny couldn't resist a teasing remark. "Well, Hermione, you certainly seemed chummy with Lucian."

Hermione sighed, her patience wearing thin. "Honestly, Ginny, he's just a friend. We had a unique summer experience together, that's all."

Ron, still not entirely convinced, chimed in, "Yeah, but he's not just any friend, is he?"

Hermione bristled, her annoyance evident. "Ron, you're making this into something it's not. Lucian and I share a bond, but it's purely a friendship, and I hope you can respect that."

Harry, ever the mediator, stepped in to ease the tension. "Let's not make this into a big deal, alright? Hermione can be friends with whomever she chooses."

Hermione nodded in agreement, appreciating Harry's support. "Thank you, Harry."

The group settled in for the night, the mystery of Lucian Everhart and his connection with Hermione lingering in the air.

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