𝟐𝟑: 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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The enchantment of the Yule Ball lingered in Hermione Granger's thoughts, especially as she found herself reminiscing about her chaotic yet captivating evening with Lucian Everheart

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The enchantment of the Yule Ball lingered in Hermione Granger's thoughts, especially as she found herself reminiscing about her chaotic yet captivating evening with Lucian Everheart. It was a stark contrast to the chaos that ensued when she stumbled upon a copy of the Daily Prophet with a headline that sent shockwaves through her being: "Newt Scamander's grandson steals away Harry Potter's girlfriend."

Baffled, Hermione's eyes widened as she read Rita Skeeter's sensationalized narrative. The article painted a distorted picture, suggesting that Lucian Everheart had enchanted Hermione at the Yule Ball, leaving Harry Potter heartbroken. Frustration mingled with confusion as she processed the fabricated account of her night.

"Why didn't you tell me about your grandfather, Newt Scamander, Lucian?" Hermione questioned, her brow furrowed with genuine confusion as she sought him out in the quiet corners of the library.

Lucian, a boy of quiet charm, sighed and explained, "Oh, Newt? Yeah, he's my granddad. I guess I forgot to mention that. I mean, it's not like he's a regular guest at family dinners. He's more into his magical creatures than family reunions, you know?"

Hermione chuckled, "I can imagine. But why keep it a secret?"

Lucian shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, back at Ilvermorny, where I spend most of the year, everyone knows I'm Scamander's grandson. It's like having a giant neon sign above my head. 'Hey, look, it's the grandson of the famous Magizoologist!' It gets old pretty fast."

Hermione couldn't help but smile at his lighthearted explanation. "I see. So, it's not like you were hiding it from me intentionally."

Lucian grinned, "Exactly. Besides, I like you knowing me as Lucian, not just as Newt Scamander's grandson."

Hermione nodded, "Fair enough, Lucian. Let's just deal with Rita Skeeter's nonsense, and then we can focus on more important things—like figuring out what magical creature is causing trouble this time."

Together, they decided to counteract Rita Skeeter's deceptive narrative.

In the days that followed, Hermione found herself caught in the whirlwind of media chaos. Rita Skeeter's articles about Harry and Hagrid created an atmosphere of tension and mistrust. Fueled by her frustration with the sensationalized stories, Hermione took charge in helping her friends cope with the unwanted attention.

One evening, beneath the soft hues of a sunset casting an orange glow across Hogwarts, Hermione and Lucian found a cozy spot by the lake to discuss strategies.

"I can't believe the audacity of Rita Skeeter, twisting our lives into some scandalous tale. We need to do something," Hermione declared, her eyes flashing with determination.

Lucian nodded, his quiet demeanor concealing an underlying resolve. "I agree, Hermione. Let's expose the truth, but we must be careful not to give her more material. The last thing we need is another distorted story."

As they delved into textbooks and notes during study sessions in the Gryffindor common room, Hermione's mind buzzed with thoughts of how to expose Rita Skeeter's manipulations. Ron and Harry, too, were grappling with the fallout from the articles.

"I can't believe they're painting Harry as heartbroken over something that never happened!" Ron exclaimed, slamming his book shut.

Harry, frustrated, added, "And Hagrid! They're turning him into a dangerous giant. It's outrageous!"

Hermione, determined to find a solution, suggested, "We need evidence to prove Rita Skeeter's deceit. I've been researching her. Did you know she's an unregistered Animagus, able to transform into a beetle?"

Lucian raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A beetle, you say? Perhaps that's how she's been gathering information. But how do we catch her?"

The next day, Hermione and Lucian, fueled by a mix of determination and a touch of mischief, planned to confront Skeeter in a quiet corridor.

As they approached, they found her scribbling notes with a quill, seemingly engrossed in her work. Lucian cleared his throat, prompting Skeeter to look up with a haughty expression.

"What do we have here?" Skeeter sneered. "The star-crossed lovers, ready to defend their honor?"

Hermione held up the article. "This stops now, Rita. No more lies."

Skeeter chuckled condescendingly. "Oh, darling, you can't stop the press. The truth is as malleable as the stories I write."

Lucian, his tone steady, retorted, "But we can expose the lies you've spread. We know about your little beetle form."

Skeeter's eyes widened for a fraction of a second, a hint of panic flashing across her face before she regained composure. "Well, well, aren't you clever? What do you want?"

Hermione stepped forward, her voice unwavering. "A retraction. An apology. And a promise that you won't meddle in our lives again for a year."

Skeeter smirked, "Oh, darling, you drive a hard bargain. But fine, for now. My quill shall be silenced."

As Hermione and Lucian turned to leave, Skeeter called after them, "But remember, the pen is mightier than the wand."

Lucian couldn't resist a retort, "Maybe, but I've got something that beats both—the truth."

Hermione chuckled at his remark, swatting him playfully on the arm. As they walked away, they left behind a silenced Rita Skeeter, pondering the consequences of her deceit.

In the aftermath, Hermione and Lucian found themselves alone by the lake once more, the soft glow of the setting sun reflecting in their eyes.

"That was quite the adventure," Lucian said, a small smile playing on his lips.

Hermione chuckled, "Tell me about it. Hogwarts seems to attract trouble like honey attracts bees."

Lucian's eyes met hers, the lingering memory of the Yule Ball resurfacing. "Speaking of which, there's something I've been meaning to ask you, Hermione."

Her heart skipped a beat, curiosity dancing in her eyes. "Ask away, Lucian."

He took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering. "Would you like to go on a proper date with me? Maybe to Hogsmeade this weekend?"

Hermione couldn't contain her smile. "I'd love to, Lucian."

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