Chapter 4:The Final Battle

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In the moments leading up to the exchange, memories flooded my mind. I thought of the first time James held me in his arms. It was the night I stayed at his place for the first time. The firsts were the most important to me and we had a whole lot of them. I smiled and blushed to myself everytime I remembered that night:the way his rough hands felt on my body,the way his lips tasted on mine. Despite all he had done to me,there was a part of me that still loved him. I hated myself for that tiny part. But those memories were the only shred of happiness I had and I couldn't bring myself to forget them. If I thought long enough,I could delete him out of the picture and replace him with a faceless man.
"Alex,its time." Micah said. His face was grim like he was the one about to exchange his life. I hoped he wouldn't try to do anything stupid and just followed my instructions.
I shook off the memories and wiped at the tears that had formed in my eyes. Micah was a good kid and I knew he would do good things one day. I wanted to tell him my plan but then he would be in danger. Something about made me want to trust him. After all I had been through I was still trying to see the best in people. But Micah was different,I felt a deep connection with him. Not a romantic,gross connection but a brotherly connection. I hoped that one day we would meet again but it wasn't likely.
                                                              .    .     .
The ride to the drop off point was silent. Neither of us dared to speak. The second I saw James standing there,anger flooded through me and all thoughts of sentiment evaporated.
"Hello my darling." He said with a smile."Long time no see."
"Where is my mother, James?" I demanded.
"Always straight to the point aren't you Lexie. Boys,bring her out."
The same men who had backed me into a corner eight months ago now held my mothers arms roughly. She had a black blindfold over her eyes and her hands were bound with zip ties.
"Mom!" I yelled. "Are you okay?!"
"I'm fine dear." She replied with a shaky voice.
"You know the deal,Walker." James said. "Your life for your mothers."
I turned to Micah. "You get my mother to safety and never look back. Understood?"
"Affirmative." He replied.
I thought I detected a slight tremble in his voice.
"Thank you for taking me in. I really appreciate it."
That just made it three times harder to do what I had to.
"Right. Here goes."
James' men pushed my mother forward and she blindly walked towards Micah. I walked towards James. I was doing the best I could to stick with the plan but I couldn't stand to not hug my mother one last time. I ran across to her and ripped off the blindfold.
"Walker! Keep moving!" James yelled.
I hugged my mom as tight as I could. "Micah is going to take care of you." I whispered.
"I love you." She cried.
"Yeah. Me too."
I pushed her away and watched as she ran back to the car I had arrived in. Micah quickly cut her bonds and helped her into the car. I suddenly felt split in half;it was my family or let James get his way. The choice was easy. I ran to my mother with all my might.
"Alex don't! !!" Micah and my mom exclaimed in unision as three bullets went through my back.
In seconds, pain shot through me and I was on my knees. My clothes were soaked through with blood. My mom cried out for me but Micah held her back;he knew that if she moved,James would shoot her too. I laid down on the ground and watched the blood drain from my body. The whole world seemed to be moving in slow motion. My heart beat slowly and my breathing was shallow. My mind went fuzzy and my vision blurred. I knew my mom was screaming not too far away but it was all just white noise to me. I shivered from the cold inside.
"You cannot let James win." I thought.
But letting him win was easier than fighting. I was tired of always fighting. I just wanted some peace. I could feel my heartbeat slowing. There were voices calling to me. "Just let it go. Forget your problems. Come with us and be at peace."
They were so comforting. But I couldn't give in just yet,I had one thing left to do. With all the strength I could muster I pulled out my gun I had hidden and with my last breath,pointed at James and fired every bullet. I heard a satisfying yelp of pain and a thud that meant I had hit my target. I smiled;now I could leave the world in peace. I closed my eyes and let the darkness take me far far away.

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