Down For You: Chapter 18

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April 8

Trevor P.O.V

"Daddy, what about mommy and Angel?" Aubrey asked as we walked outside.

"They are sleeping."

"We could wake them up." I laughed and put her in her seat. I hopped in and started the car. "Daddy, are you sad?"

I looked back at her and back at the road. "Yeah."


"You wouldn't understand baby girl."

"Okay but watch cartoons and eat some candy and you'll feel better." I shook my head and drove to her school.

As I pulled up to the school a car pulled in front of me. I stepped on the brakes and looked back at Aubrey. She was just rocking her head back and forth.

I looked at the car in front of me and they moved to the spot I was going for. I shook my head and drove off. I pulled into another stop and got out.

I walked Aubrey to her called. "Bye daddy." She kissed my cheek.

"See you later little one." I kissed her cheek and walked back to my car. I got in and drove back home.


I picked up Aaliyah and gave her a bottle. My phone started ringing and I pulled it out my pocket.


"Trey it's Nicki."

"What's up?"

"Where is Kelly? She's not answering her phone."

"She's sleeping."

"Ugh I knew she was going to do this. I was suppose to meet up with Mr. And Mrs. Ellis."

"She should be up in a little. I'll tell her to call you."

"Alright, thank you."

"Yeah." I hung up and threw my phone on the couch next to me. I looked down at Aaliyah and she was looking at me. "What?"

She threw her bottle on the floor and started laughing. I picked it up and sat it down. "Why did you do that?"

She stopped laughing and stared at me. "Hmm, what do you want to do?" She looked at the tv and back at me. "Tv it is." I turned the tv on and put it on ESPN. I looked at her and she just started at me.

"You don't want to watch this." She just started. I turned the tv to Team Umizoomi. She looked back at me and smiled. She turned back to the tv and started clapping.

3 Episodes Later

I looked down at Aaliyah and she was still up. As we we're watching tv Kelly left to go with Nicki. I looked at the time and she should be coming back.

The theme someg came on and I started sing it.

We've got Mighty, Math Powers,

You can call us any hour!




We are a tiny team




We go behind the scenes

"I see this nigga done learned this song." I turned around and seen Daniel. "How you feeling man?"

"How did you get in here?"


"Oh, but I'm making it ya' know."

"I understand what you mean." He sat down. "Aaliyah." She looked at him and started crying. "Why don't she like me?"

"Did you look in the mirror lately?" Nicki said walking in.

"You can't be talking with that fatbass forehead and stiff ass weave you got in."

"Yo' ass need to go get a fucking hair cut with you nappy head ass."

"Girl gone head with them loose ass booty shorts. Who the fuck wear those?" He started laughing.

"And who the fuck get their car towed." She said looking out the window. He hopped up and ran outside. "Ahhhh!!!! What the fuck you doing?"

"How did everything go?" I asked handing Aaliyah to Kelly as put her feet in my lap.

"Everything went we-"

"His momma was bitching talking bout' I got her son set up. I wanted to jump across the table and choke her ass." Nicki said cutting Kelly off.

"You know his momma only like them skinny white girls." I said. "He didn't care about what his momma thought of you. Only his pops opinion mattered to him."

"I know."

"Anybody got two dollars?" Daniel said looking at us. "This man act like I can't go in my are and get two stank ass dollars."

"Here." Kelly said handing it to him.

"Thanks baby mama I knew I could count on you." He looked at Nicki and laughed.

"What you looking at rat face bitch?'

"Bucket head hoe." He said and walked out. Kelly started laughing and Nicki rolled her eyes. Aaliyah started laughing and Nicki looked at her.

"That shit not that funny." Nicki said.

"Where is Ariel?"

"With my parents."

"Trevor, can you massage my feet?" I looked at her and she had her eyes closed. I looked down at her swollen feet and started massaging them.

Daniel walked back in and looked at me. "Why you got another touching up on you Kelly?" She didn't say nothing. "She know she heard me."

"She might be sleep." Nicki said. I looked at her and Aaliyah and they both we're sleep. I stopped massaging her feet and she lifted her head.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh." I started back again. "What made you come over here?"

"I was shooken up about him getting shot in front of us 'cause it happened to my best friend before. So I stayed into he house for a while. I when I left this morning to drop the kids off to school I decided to drop by but not before going to the cheesecake factory."

"Fat ass couldn't wait 'til you got in a house to eat. Had to eat on the road."

"Who was talking to yo' mush mouth ass?" She was about to say something but he cut her off. "I thought so."

"Y'all need to she the hell up." Kelly said.

"Fa' real y'all see my baby mama over hea' tryn' to sleep." He smiled. "Pass me the moken troll."

"The what." Nicki said.

"Moten." He paused. "Troll."

"Remote you mean."

"Same thing." He grabbed the remote and turned it to ESPN.

"I'll be back later." Nicki said getting up and walking outside.

"Don't." Daniel said.

"Fuck you."

"Leave, with yo' wet mouth ass."

"Kiss my ass." She walked out and I laughed.

"You always fucking with her."

"She fun to fuck with." I shook my head and watched tv.

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