Down For You: Chapter 23

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Two Months Later


June 10

Kelly P.O.V

Today is the day we go home. We spent a week in Tampa so the kids could go to Busch Gardens. I really could do nothing since I'm so big.

I rubbed my stomach and looked at Trevor. He was looking at me with his head cocked to the side.


"I can't believe he's going to be here any day now." He walked over to me rubbing my stomach.

"Are you nervous?"

"Yeah but I could hang." He picked up our bags and walked out the room. I picked up Aaliyah and walked out too.

Aubrey was already downstairs with Nicki and my sister. I walked on the elevator and Trevor closed the door.

When we got to the lobby everybody was sitting down. Everybody walked outside in got in their cars. I strapped Aaliyah in and Trevor strapped Aubrey in.

"Mommy." I looked at Aubrey.


"Can I get some chips?"

"Wait until we go by a store." I got in the car while Trevor stood out the car talking. I rolled down the window and looked at him. "Lets go you could talk when we get back home."

"Kelly shut up." Daniel said rolling his neck.

"Fuck you Daniel." I rolled the window back up. I put my seat belt on and leaned back. Trevor got in the car and looked at me.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm tired and you doing all this talking."

"Sorry 'bout that." He put his seat belt on and started driving. "I got to stop by a gas station."

"When you go in get Aubrey something to snack on." He nodded and pulled up to Race Trac. He got out and walked to the doors.

"Mommy when is the baby coming?" Aubrey said sitting up.

"Any day."

"I wish he come today."

"Oh no not today."


"Because mommy is very tired and if mommy have the baby today she is going to be really tired."

"What about tomorrow?"

"Maybe tomorrow."

"So tomorrow you're having the baby!" She said excitedly. "Angel, mommy is having the baby!" Aaliyah started clapping and laughing along with Aubrey.

Trevor opened the door and gave me the bag and a cup of crushed ice. I took the lid off the cup and started eating the ice it. I handed Aubrey her chip and I opened the cheese puffs and gave one to Aaliyah.

Trevor got back in the car and took the cup of ice from me. "Why did you take it?"

"This wasn't for you." He got a juice from out the bag and poured it in the cup. He looked at me and sighed. "You want me to get you a cup." I nodded and he drove to the front of the store. "I need twenty-seven cent." I looked in my purse and got some change change.

I gave it to him and he got out. I ate one of Aaliyah chip and spit it out. I drunk some of Trevor's juice and sat it down back in the same place.

He walked out and opened the car door. He gave me my ice and I started to eat it. "You drunk some of my juice too."

"Yes you did cause the sigh wasn't over there." He pulled out of the parking and headed home.


"Trevor where are we going?" I whined.


"You said that fifteen minutes ago." I looked down in my seat and my pants were wet. "Trevor get me to the hospital."


"My water broke." I closed my eyes because I knew the pain was coming. I felt a sharp pain and I gripped Trevor's upper arm.

"Damn Kelly let go." He moved my hand. "Hold this." He handed me a bottle of water and pulled out his phone.


When we made it to the hospital Trevor jumped out and walked to the hospital doors. A nurse came out with a wheelchair and I got out the car and sat down in it.

"I'll see you when I get in there."

"Where are you going?"

"Park the car." The nurse wheeled me in.


Trevor and the girls came in the room I reached for Aaliyah and he handed her to. Aubrey sat on the side of the bed and kicked her shoes off.

"Every bodies on their way." He sat the baby bag down and kissed my forehead. "How do you feel?"

"In pain."


"My back."

"Turn to your side." I moved Aaliyah to my side and I turned over.

"Mommy, can I watch cartoons?" I grabbed the remote and flicked through the channels and I came to Spongebob. Trevor opened my gown and touched my back.

I jumped cause his hands we cold. "Your hands are cold." He left them there and they started to warm up. He started to massage my lower back and I started to get sleepy.


17 Hours Later

17 hours during labor and Tyrell Trevor Williams is here. 6 lbs. 4 oz., 11 inches long. I kissed his small hands and looked down at him as he slept.

"I love you." Trevor said kissing my lips while holding Aaliyah.

"I love you too."

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