Chapter 5

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While rubbing my sleepy eyes I got up from my bed and made my way to the washroom, to do my morning routine as I have to go to the office.

After getting freshened up, I made my way to my closet while whipping my face with a towel. I was about to open the closet door but it was already locked.

I clearly remember that yesterday night I didn’t lock it. I went to find the keys at my night stand as I always keep those there. But unfortunately I couldn’t find it.

Searching my whole room for the past 20 mins, still I couldn't find my keys. " Ughh wtf! Where did I keep them" I groaned while being frustrated. 

Suddenly out of nowhere Ayra came into my room while being fully dressed up. She is wearing a black colour flared blazer and pants. As always she is looking perfect.

"Why are you looking so tired, Rayan? Are you looking for something?" she asked with a small grin on her face. That's it! Ahh she took my eyes!

"Ayra, where are my keys?  Give it back to me!" I said coldly. "Umm Yeah I saw them yesterday night but promise I didn’t took them" she said innocently. Oh god this girl! "Ayra don't act innocent I know it very well that you took my closet keys!" I said to her kinda rudely.

"Aww Rayan It's okay! I know you never trust me but seriously I didn’t take them! Those are with you! check properly!". I scoffed after hearing her.

"Still If you don't believe me then go check my room then my bag" she said while offering her bag to me. "Also you can check me too if you want! I don't mind Mr. Roy" she said and opened her arms with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and again started finding my keys. Oh no I'll be late today!

She was about to leave but stopped "Btw Rayan remember today is our collaboration deal signing day! So don't be late because there will be our so many foreign partners and they are so punctual. If you go late and then they will get angry, what if they cancel the collaboration deal! Then I also can't do anything! So be fast Mr. Roy coz just 20 mins left! Bye bye" she said and winked at me.

It's been 15 mins since I searched the whole house, in fact her room too but my keys are nowhere to be found. Suddenly I looked at the clock and it was 8.55 am which made me widen my eyes. "WTF only 5 mins left!!. Ahh now what should I do? I looked at myself as right now I am wearing my neon colour shorts and a plain white tee. Without thinking more, I ran to my car. As the office is near it won't take time to reach but still I drived so fast.

Reaching the office, I was about to enter but the guards made me stop. "Yo, who are you? Where are you going inside??!! Both of them asked with confused faces.

" YAH IT'S ME RAYAN ROY! MOVE AWAY! I AM LATE!" I shouted and ran inside.
But after going inside I can say everyone's eyes are on me, especially girls. Their eyes are on my legs. Shit I am feeling so shy man.

Ignoring all of them, I finally attended the conference hall exactly at 9 am. Everyone is already there including Ayra. She is of course sitting in the centre. While playing with her pen she looked at me with a perverted smile.This girl will never stop annoying me!

Meanwhile others are too stunned to speak. While clearing my throat, I went to the table and signed the papers. "Ahem I went jogging so yeah… haha" I awkwardly chuckled.

Ayra is enjoying the scene too much. She is literally saying her ❝Do not mess with me! It won't take me a second to destroy you❞ line through her eyes. I quickly left the room but stood outside to hear if they say anything about me . "Omg Miss. Ayra you are very lucky! Your husband has sexy legs!" Miss. Lori said teasingly. She is one of Ayra's foreign partners. Hearing her, my ears turned red and Ayra didn’t say anything, she just gave a fake smile.

After reaching my cabin, I am still thinking about my keys. "Wait Ayra said that keys are with me!" I furrowed while thinking suddenly my eyes widened and I put my hands on my shorts pocket. Here you go THE KEYS ARE HERE!!!

Author Pov

1 month later

It's been 1 month since both of them got married but still both of their daily wars aren't over. Rayan does everything just to annoy her and meanwhile Ayra  also doesn't forget to take her revenge.

But in office Rayan is too serious about his work and Ayra is glad that he is working professionally. Right now both of them are at the conference room for a meeting.

"So, as the designs are final, now we have to find a model too!" Mr. Han said. Rayan nodded with a serious face. "Yes Mr. Han but this time we have to find someone who can make our brand sold out in just minutes!" Ayra said. "Then mam should we start finding our model?" Mr. Han asked Ayra.

"Ah noo! I already found our model!!" she said with a big grin on your face. Hearing her, everybody took a glance at each other. Rayan also furrowed.

"Darling come inside!" she said while looking at the door way, while everyone also turned their head at the door way.

A tall 5.10, handsome, hot guy with blonde hair  came inside while wearing a suit with white t-shirt, also wearing his black sunglasses. Seeing him everyone widened their eyes.

???: Hey darling *muah* *hug*
Ayra: Welcome! *muah* *hug* (Lmao I don't know how to describe this but ik yall know that fancy hug -_- )

"Hey people this is the hottest, sexiest, popular fashion model Roby Milan !" he said and introduced himself . "Gucci, Celine, Dior, Prada every brand wants me but me is here! The new brand ambassador of KRIS! Right bestie" Roby said and winked at Ayra. Ayra nodded at him while smiling. Meanwhile Rayan is so disgusted after seeing her cute moments with him and literally giving him a criminal side eye.

"Roby! This is Rayan and Rayan, this is Roby!" Ayra said while introducing them to each other. "Heyy buddy! What's up?" Roby asked while offering his hand for a handshake but there is our Rayan. "Hello!" he coldly said with a side eye roll  and walked away.

"Aish! Your husband is a total jerk bestie!". "That's true bestie" Ayra replied with a normal sigh. "But darling don't worry I'll love to annoy your husband a lot!" Roby said and both of them laughed together.

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