Chapter 12

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Rayan is very happy that finally her mother wakes up from coma. " Mr. Roy, come! You can meet with your mother!" the doctor said.

Rayan looked at Ayra and she gave him a soft smile. "Sis, Roby let's go!". Just four of them came to the hospital as it's already midnight so Rayan doesn't want to bother others.

All of them entered the room together. "M-Mom!" Rayan shuttered and tears brimmed from his eyes. "Rayan" his mom called him. He ran to her for a hug. "Oh mom, finally you are awake! I missed you so much". " I missed you too, my son!" she said while holding Rayan's face. Seeing him crying, Ayra's eyes also got teary.

"Momm!" Riya also went to hug her. "Oh my babies! I am glad that both of you are alright!" Mrs. Roy said while holding her both kids. Suddenly her eyes landed on Ayra! 

While blinking her eyes she asked "You…." "Mom she is-" Rayan was about to say but her mom made him stop and called Ayra near her! "You are" she thought for a moment "You are Ayra?”

Ayra slowly nodded. " Oh god my lil Ayra! You grow up a lot!" she said and brightly smiled while holding both of her hands.

"Mom, how did you recognize her so fast?" Riya asked. "How can I forget that girl who always used to come every weekend to eat my pancakes!". Ayra chuckled while Rayan furrowed. "Wait, why I don't know about this?" he asked. "You always used to be busy playing basketball on the weekend! How will you know" his mom said and sighed.

Later, Rayan tells his mom everything about how both of them got married and she is so happy to know that Ayra is her daughter in-law. Doctors still didn’t let her go home bcoz she was just awake so they will keep her in observation for a week.

"Riya sissy you can stay with us! You don't need to stay alone!" "Ahh Ayra don't worry! Our that house is also so big plus my College is also near it( She is a Professor). And the main thing is I don't want to be the third wheel between you guys!" Riya said with a smirk. Which made both Ayra and Rayan sigh!

"Okay at least let me drop you sis!" Rayan insist and Ayra also nodded. "Aish Ray, go home with Ayra and about me umm Roby will drive me!" she smiled "Right Roby?"

Meanwhile Roby nodded shyly. "Drive home my sister safely" Rayan said and glared at him. "This jerk," Roby mumbled.

Time skip

Roby dropped Riya home safely. "Thank you so much for sending me home" she softly smiled. "Ahh it's nothing!". Riya was about to leave but Roby made her stop. " R-Riya I want to say something!" he said hesitantly. She turned around, a lil furrow appeared on her forehead.

"After hearing this I don't know what you will think about me but don't think that I am crazy or psychopath". He closed his eyes tightly and said " R-Riya I am in love with you" hearing him, she furrowed while her eyes grew bigger.

"Yes it's love at first sight but not only once! I fell for you twice. Back then I saw a picture of yours with Ayra. I know it's so stupid that I confessed to you the right way but it's not like I am forcing you. Take how much time you want! I don't care! I just want to let you know how I feel! No matter what, I'll try my best to be the man you want!" Roby finished.

"Roby, how old are you?!". " 24!" "How old is Ayra? "25!" he again replied. "And there is me, 28! Roby I know in this age those attractions, infatuations come and go so you will get over soon from this and also I don't trust in love anymore (As her fiance broke their marriage bcoz of Roy family's bankruptcy and financial problems) she coldly replied.

"Don't worry I'll make you fall again and yes I will always love you!" he replied and walked to his car & drove away. Riya coldly stares at his leaving car.

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