1, " who.. ? "

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Kokichi's POV—

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Kokichi's POV

"Saihara shuichi.. world most famous detective..?"

'Geez I guess I should research more on the internet, I don't even know about him despite being a famous thief.. a good-looking one to be specific, Hehe!' He thought to himself giggling abit.

Back on topic,

"Saihara.. known for solving cases, specifically murder cases.. he is good at looking for clues and secrets.. and knows what he is doing very well"

'God.. this guy is good at almost everything.. he's pretty famous and, attractive aswell- ..'

"Wait.. hold on.."

"Though he is bad at catching thieves, running and cornering them isn't.. his thing? Last time in order to catch that one thief, he had to bring alot of backups.. so he's usually in charge of murder cases instead.."

Kokichi's head was spinning faster than his little legs. He had spent the entire day online doing research on Shuichi Saihara - the world's most famous detective. This was quite a dilemma, however, since he had no clue as to who this person was. But the one thing that did stand out to him about the detective was his chiseled good looks. In fact, every search seemed to say so.

Finally having found his target, Kokichi read on. Turns out, Saihara was known for solving murder cases specifically.

Oh? Hmm well atleast he is bad at one thing that i'm good at.. lucky me! But.. all the ones that are after me are not saihara.. I wish he was after me instead.. he could be fun to tease with! I should research and learn about him more..

He went through many websites about him, he has learned that he is very awkward and timid.

'That's perfect! But the bad news is that, he's not after me.. since I am a thief and not a some killer. How disappointinggg... Argh I am kinda sleepy..'

He yawns

'Yeah, really sleepy. I should take a sleep now.. it's, 11:45 pm. There's many things I want to steal tomorrow.. im just going to.. yawns make a plan tomorrow morning..'

He closed the laptop and tried to go to bed. But the thoughts of the that dumb detective continued to plague him, causing his eyelids to flicker.

But as the hours dragged on, the detective unwilling to leave his mind, despite not knowing eachother. It seemed this night might be a sleepless one after all...

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