Chapter Six: Hanging out

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Sorry for not posting. I got grounded for some random shit😙👍 Anyway onto the story🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🦅🦅(The writing and grammar might be bad bc it's been a while)

Trigger warnings: Implied self-harm, Self discipline (Hitting yourself), swearing, ¿bullying?

-9:30pm, Izuku pov-

Turns out my mum didn't make Katsudon. Instead work called her last minute and she told me to make ramen or something and not skip another meal. God. Kacchan still hasn't turned up yet, so I doubt he's coming back, I wonder what he said to, Itoshi. Whatever.

I turn off my phone as I feel myself getting emotional, I hit my head but my tears don't stop, I hit and hit but I just cried harder. Then I felt something. An urge. Shit, shit, shit, shit! I thought. My body began to move on its own, I couldn't stop no matter what I did. Before I knew it, I was in the bathroom on the floor. My arm bleeding with a razor next to me. I sat there sobbing and hugging myself until I felt like getting up and bandaging my arm.

After thirty minutes or so the doorbell rang. It was probably, Kacchan since mum will most likely go drinking after her shift. I made my way slowly down the stairs and to the front door. (It's like ten or smth)

I opened the door slowly and looked tiredly at the blonde male.

"Are you gonna let me in or what?" He asked gruffly, I nodded and opened the door, he stepped inside while I locked it afterwards, "Where's, Auntie?"

"Work, or the bar. I don't know," I sighed walking to the living room. Shit I didn't clean the spare bandages or blood in the bathroom. Argh. I sat down on the sofa and Kacchan did the same. We sat in an awkward silence until I worked up the courage to ask,

"H-how did it g-go with, Itoshi and A-Akihiro?" I fought off the urge to hit my head and curse myself for stuttering,

"It's was fine," he replied, "Listen here, Deku," he came and sat closer to me, "Nothing at school is gonna change, okay?! But.." He cupped my cheek with his hand, my breathing hitched, "I'll be," he paused for a moment,

"N-nice?" I asked nervously,

"SHUT UP SHITTY NERD! But- yes, yes I guess so," he rolled his eyes, then looked down at my arms.

-Kastuki pov-

Before I walked here I looked in Google, I wanted to know if the damn nerd was depressed or something. Then I came across something called 'Self Harm'. I didn't know if the nerd actually had the balls to do it, but it said people who get bullied are more prone to be depressed and do all that self harm shit. I let my eyes travel down to his arms and thought about the last time he shown his bare arms. It was about a year ago, in P.E. when he in the changing rooms and running, he had took off his P.E. jacket and got yelled at by one of the teachers. After that he didn't come to school for a week, when he did he always wore jackets, jumpers, or really anything.

I was snapped back to reality when, Deku moved his arms from view and lent into my hand, then he closed his eyes. Holy shit. I never realised how pretty he was before... How the fuck did he get bullied and not Akihiro for his fucking giraffe neck quirk?! I took my hand off and grabbed his waist, pulling him closer to me. He stiffened up, I forgot that he was still scared of me. I positioned him so he was sitting on my lap, he looked at me with a shocked look and was trembling slightly. I tighten my hug around him, (being careful of his injury) he calmed down slightly and rested his head on my shoulder. We sat like that for a while until I heard small snores.


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