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I covered my ears, the gunshots going off all around me, the building behind me collapsed and I barely managed to get away. I tasted blood as I called out for my mother but she was nowhere to be seen. I heard people screaming, cries of children and their parent's looking for each other.

I started running as far as my legs could carry me, a few bullets almost grazing my skin, I hid behind the ruins of another building. I closed my eyes as I cried, all the sounds tuning out, I started hyperventilating. That's when I heard my name being called.


It was his voice. The voice I longed so much to hear. I looked from behind the stone wall to see him standing in the distance, trying to make his way over to me.

My brother.

His squad must have been sent here.

How much have I missed him.

I watched as his lips moved, mouthing something I couldn't hear through the loud noise. He got closer to me and I reached out my arms and went to hug him but he grabbed me by my arms. His expression changed from one of worry to horror and disgust.

"It should have been you."

A bullet wound appeared on his body as blood splattered from his mouth.

Red. All I saw was red. As his lifeless body was now falling down to the ground.

I woke up to the drill going off, cold sweat covered my body as the end of the dream repeated it self in my head.

It's fine. It was just a nightmare. You are fine. This happened almost 5 years ago.

There wasn't much time to get ready, so as soon as I calmed down I changed my clothes. I was still feeling cold so I threw on a jacket as well.

God it's so loud.

I wonder if the rest of the people got ready.

I walked out of the room closing my door, I stood in front of it facing the hall. Some other people were still getting in the formation. From the corner of my eye I could see a girl smiling at me and giving a quick wave, I also waved at her. 

Looks like I wasn't last this time.

Soon everyone stood outside of their rooms and our superior lead the unit to the training grounds. I walked the hall following the people in the front, fully ready for the day. The drills were a routine after spending so many years in the army.

We walked through the hall, the sun blasting it's heat onto my face, I squinted my eyes from the blinding light. Maybe I shouldn't have worn the jacket, there is no way I will take it off though. The training started with a 3 mile run, I sped up a little passing a few people until I caught up to her.

The light brownish-red hair bounced in the lose ponytail, her long legs letting her run further with less steps. I started to run beside her focusing my attention on the people in front of us, I heard as some people snickered behind me but I ignored it.

"Slept well?" Her voice was cheerful and full of enthusiasm, her eyes almost sparkling with energy.

"As always, Sarah. How about you?" We tried to keep the conversation quiet and quick as to not get tired. I focused on my breathing every time before answering, Sarah however didn't bother on saving her strength, she was talking as if she didn't even need to breath.

"I wonder how today's combat session will look..." Sarah spoke as her mind day dreamed. We finished our run and started doing basic military training.

"It will definitely be harder then usual, that's for sure."

We have been informed the day before about a special force team arriving, apparently they were going to check our combat abilities and help us improve them a little. I scuffed, I was training for the special force half of my time in here, there was not much they could teach me. My build is much smaller, especially that I am not as tall as Sarah, I had to make up for that in many places but somehow I still managed to get ahead of most of the people in our unit. I knew close combat wasn't were I peaked, so I wasn't too worried.

"Being in a task force must be nice... I wish the two of us could get into one as well." Sarah looked at me with a bright smile, her hand rested on my shoulder.

"If I was paired up with you, I could go anywhere, kochanie." - (my love) I smile back, she was the only light in my drenched off colors life.

"Oh you are so cheesy! I love it."

We both laughed before we noticed our superior looking at us, we quickly went back to stretching as if nothing happened. He didn't seem to bother with us too much, instead he announced the end of the drill and dismissed us all for breakfast.

People aren't as annoying today... weird...

We all walked to the cafeteria as I kept close to Sarah, but as we reached the doors everyone suddenly stopped in their tracks. I tried to see what was going on but I was too short, so I looked over at Sarah, asking her if she could tell what was happening.

She looked ahead and then back at me, only shrugging as an answer,  not understanding the sudden and silence. Finally people moved again and we understood why, higher ranking officers were sitting near the entrance, looks like our unit needed to greet them first before coming into the cafeteria. I felt a little bad for the people in the front, they must have been surprised.

I took a deep breath and walked forward, Sarah right on my hills. I glanced on the table for a second out of curiosity. It was a bad idea. Someone met my gaze. A man with a skull mask. I quickly looked away and swallowed my own saliva. We walked up to the queue and I felt Sarah bump me with her elbow.

"You good?" She sounded worried and unsure if she should ask.

"Yeah, I am fine. Thanks for worrying babe." I shot her a wink, she snorted a laugh and covered her face with her hand.

"I sometimes forget how random you can be." She didn't look to much bothered with how I acted, it made me smile even more.

"Random? You know I love you!" I said after I grabbed my share of food.

The cafeteria was already bustling with talks and laughter, a few empty tables were left as I quickly secured one for the two of us.

"Awww, Y/N... I love you too." Sarah placed a hand over her heart.

We quickly ate so we could talk more. In the meantime I could overhear other people, they kept talking about the superiors and what they think about them. There wasn't much interesting chatter until one of them mentioned the name "Ghost". How could I ever forget that name, my previous Captain always compared me to him. So this was the famous Lieutenant, I wonder if I was able to reach the Captains expectations, they always laughed I might take his spot. I should ask Persha to tell me more about him when I get a chance.

"I saw one of them kept looking over at us... I am getting shivers. He looks creepy..." Sarah was almost whispering, if someone heard us we would be in trouble.

"The skull one? I looked at him for a moment, he stared right back at me. I felt dead on the spot." I sat up straight, not daring to look in the direction of the task force. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I spoke about him, I may be curious but he gave off a vibe that made me not want to get on his bad side.

"Let's hope he won't take you checking him out as a challenge, you would be in deep water. And. So would I." A grin was plastered on her face, she didn't seem to mind the upcoming trouble. But that was Sarah for ya.

word count: 1350

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