The multiverse cracks open

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Gwen, the fearless teenage webslinger, had been through countless battles with villains, and her trusty Spider Woman suit had taken quite a beating. But instead of giving up, she decided to take matters into her own hands and give her suit a major upgrade. With a determined glint in her eye, she set to work redesigning her suit from scratch.

After much thought and consideration, Gwen decided to stick with the classic white and black design that had served her so well in the past. But she wasn't content with just a simple colour scheme - oh no. She added several stunning golden accents to the suit, giving it a whole new level of sophistication and style.

And the pièce de résistance? The mask. Gwen poured all her creative energy into making it a true work of art, adding even more of those gorgeous golden accents to make it truly shine. As she stood back and admired her handiwork, Gwen knew that she was ready to take on any villain that dared to cross her path.

Gwen gazed intently at her remarkable new Spider Woman Integrated suit and proceeded to don it for the initial time. As she stood in the alleyway, an individual traversed through it, and their technological suit radiated light, illuminating the dimly lit surroundings. The individual then balled their gauntleted fist, recognizing that this was the opportune moment to eliminate Spider Woman.

"Time to kill a spider." Prowler said

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