Final battle with the Green Goblin

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Spider Woman, also recognized as Gwen Stacy from Earth-65, experienced a surge of familiarity upon hearing the chilling voice of the Green Goblin

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Spider Woman, also recognized as Gwen Stacy from Earth-65, experienced a surge of familiarity upon hearing the chilling voice of the Green Goblin. The recollections of her father's tragic demise inundated her thoughts, intensifying her emotions. As the Green Goblin advanced on his glider, launching an unrelenting assault of rotating pumpkin bombs, Gwen and her fellow Spider Women showcased their extraordinary agility, effortlessly evading the explosive projectiles.

Despite the cautious counsel from her counterparts from alternate universes, Gwen perceived this moment as her opportunity for long-awaited retribution. Motivated by her unwavering resolve, she disregarded the warnings and propelled herself into the air, fully committed to vanquishing the Green Goblin once and for all. Demonstrating remarkable precision and skill, she swiftly ensnared her webs onto the glider, determined to expose the compartment where the villain concealed his lethal pumpkin bombs. With a forceful rip, she forcefully detached the slot and retrieved a pumpkin bomb.

Looking downwards, Gwen Stacy from Earth-65 was observed by the Green Goblin as she activated the bomb. Employing a swift and calculated maneuver, she strategically positioned it beneath his glider, resulting in a fiery explosion that caused the engines to erupt. The force of the explosion forcefully propelled the Green Goblin off his glider, leading to his defeat as he crashed to the ground. As Gwen regained her equilibrium, her fellow Spider Women rushed to her side, their concern for her well-being evident.

Despite the triumph, Gwen couldn't help but experience a sense of satisfaction. However, her heightened spider sense suddenly tingled, alerting her to an imminent danger. The Green Goblin defiantly rose to his feet, discarding his Goblin mask into the water. Without hesitation, Gwen swiftly donned her mask once again, assuming her fighting stance. This battle had become deeply personal, and she was resolute in her determination to bring an end to the Green Goblin's reign of terror once and for all.

With a combination of empathy and admiration, the Green Goblin jeered, "Oh, poor Gwen, you're just not strong enough to send me to my demise."

Gwen's response was fierce and unwavering, "No, I don't want anyone else to do it. I want to be the one to end you."

The Green Goblin chuckled, acknowledging her determination, "That's the spirit, my dear."

In a truly awe-inspiring display of determination, Spider Woman (Gwen Stacy from Earth-65) charged towards the Green Goblin, her eyes ablaze with fury. She swiftly flung multiple webs at her nemesis with lightning speed, yet the cunning Goblin managed to skilfully evade each one. Undeterred, Spider Woman quickly regained her advantage by ensnaring the Green Goblin's foot, causing him to stumble and crash to the ground with a resounding thud.

Unperturbed by her initial triumph, Spider Woman gracefully leaped into the air, resolute in her determination to deliver another formidable strike to the Goblin. However, the cunning antagonist swiftly evaded her assault, causing Spider Woman's fist to collide with the marble flooring of Liberty Island, resulting in its fracture due to her immense strength. Green Goblin, seemingly unaffected, rose to his feet and provocatively whistled as a sharp knife emerged from the arm of his attire.

Motivated by an unwavering yearning to seek retribution for her father's tragic demise, Spider Woman fearlessly reengaged in the battle, skillfully evading the Green Goblin's lethal blade. With a swift and forceful punch, she struck the menacing villain squarely in the face, momentarily staggering him. The intensity of the conflict escalated as Spider Woman employed her webs to draw the Green Goblin towards her, causing him to crash to the ground once more.

Determined to rely solely on her own physical prowess, Spider Woman relentlessly pummelled the Green Goblin, her blows landing with unwavering force. The other Spider Women observed in horror as Earth-65 Spider Woman unleashed her fury upon the Goblin, her actions growing increasingly intense.

As Spider Woman glared down at her fallen adversary, her anger remained unrelenting. The other Spider Women watched in astonishment and dismay as Earth-65 Spider Woman, fuelled by her thirst for vengeance, seized the Green Goblin's glider, poised to impale him in the same manner her father had tragically met his demise.

Green Goblin, meeting Spider Woman's gaze, saw the unwavering determination in her eyes as she advanced towards him, the glider held menacingly in her hands. However, just as she was about to deliver the final blow, Spider Woman from Earth-29567 intervened, stepping in to prevent her fellow Spider-Person from succumbing to the darkness and crossing the line of no return.

Spider Woman (Earth-65) locked eyes with her alternate self from a parallel universe, feeling a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. It was a surreal moment, standing face to face with someone who shared her powers and her destiny. Taking a deep breath, she willed herself to remain calm, understanding that they needed to work together.

With a silent understanding passing between them, Spider Woman (Earth-29567) managed to convince her counterpart to lower the glider, diffusing the tension that hung in the air. However, just as they believed the danger had passed, a sinister figure emerged from the shadows. It was the Green Goblin, his malevolent intentions clear as day.

In a mere instant, Spider Woman (Earth-29567) felt the imminent danger approaching, her heightened senses tingling with a forewarning. With lightning-like reflexes, she swiftly evaded the Green Goblin's stabbing motion, narrowly escaping a potentially fatal strike. The webslinger's instincts immediately kicked in, propelling her into action.

Demonstrating an extraordinary display of skill and agility, Spider Woman (Earth-29567) retaliated with a devastating uppercut, landing a powerful blow on the Green Goblin's jaw. The impact was bone-crushing, sending shockwaves through the villain's body. As the Green Goblin crumbled to the ground, his eyes blinked in disbelief.

In that very moment, the darkness that had consumed him momentarily lifted, and Harry Osborn regained control of his own mind. The horror of what his Goblin side had just attempted washed over him, leaving him stunned and deeply shaken. It served as a stark reminder of the constant battle between good and evil that raged within him, a battle he could never truly escape.

"Gwen, what have I done?" Harry asked, his voice filled with remorse and anguish

Gwen looked at him with anger still burning in her eyes, but knew that saving Harry from his evil goblin half had been the right thing to do. If she had impaled the goblin, it would have turned her into a murderer and that was not what she wanted. Gwen knew that it was not how her father would have wanted her to use her power.

Gwen remembered back to the words that all three of them shared: "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility".

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