Green Goblin begins his reign of terror

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As Gwen was busy whipping up a delicious meal in the kitchen, her spider sense suddenly jolted her into alertness. It was as if an invisible alarm had gone off, sending shivers down her spine. In an instant, her calm demeanour transformed into sheer terror. Her heart raced, causing her breaths to come in rapid succession. Panic set in, and she urgently called out for her father, hoping he could make sense of this unsettling feeling.

Captain Stacy rushed into the room, his eyes immediately drawn to the distress etched on his daughter's face. Concern filled his voice as he asked what was wrong. Gwen, unable to pinpoint the source of danger, made a split-second decision. She closed her eyes, shutting out the distractions of the room, and focused solely on her heightened senses.

In the darkness behind her eyelids, Gwen's mind raced, analysing every sound, every vibration. And then, like a puzzle piece falling into place, she knew. Her eyes snapped open, and there he was, Harry, standing ominously by the towering lamp in the Stacy's living room. Without hesitation, Gwen unleashed her web, skilfully ensnaring Harry to the pole of the lamp.

But as the web tightened around him, Harry's reaction was far from what Gwen had expected. Instead of fear or surrender, he erupted into maniacal laughter. It sent chills down her spine, a clear indication that something was terribly wrong with him. Gwen's spider sense had not failed her; it had merely alerted her to a danger she had never anticipated.

"That's some neat trick, that sense of yours." Harry said

"Harry?" Gwen asked

"Harry's not here, my dear!" Green Goblin cackled

"What the hell?" Captain Stacy asked

"Goblin." Gwen said in a worried stated

Gwen and her father locked eyes, their hearts pounding in unison, as they braced themselves for the imminent danger that loomed before them. The air crackled with tension as the notorious Green Goblin unleashed a wicked cackle, his voice dripping with malevolence, while he seamlessly continued his spine-chilling speech.

"I've watched you from deep behind Harry's cowardly eyes. You think you can save everyone, but you are always putting your loved ones in danger, how pathetic. I don't need you to save me, I don't want to go home. This power is not a curse, it's a gift." Green Goblin stated

"Harry, no." Captain Stacy said

"Quiet you peon!" Green Goblin roared

Gwen's heart raced as a chilling sense of impending doom washed over her. With wide eyes, she locked gazes with her father, desperately urging him to take action. "Run!" she cried out, her voice trembling with fear.

Without a moment's hesitation, Captain Stacy swung open the door of their apartment, ready to make their escape. But just as they thought they were in the clear, the menacing figure of the Green Goblin broke free from the web that had ensnared him. A fierce battle erupted between the webslinger and the Goblin, their clash echoing through the room.

In a horrifying turn of events, the Green Goblin landed a devastating blow on Gwen, propelling her forcefully through the wall. Dazed and unable to move, she found herself at the mercy of her relentless attacker. With each strike, Gwen's hope dwindled, her fear intensifying.

But in a moment of sheer determination, Gwen's instincts kicked in. She swiftly webbed one of the vases behind them, shattering it against the Green Goblin's head. Yet, instead of subduing him, this act seemed to only fuel his madness, driving him to even greater heights of insanity.

The battle between Gwen and Green Goblin was reaching new heights as they left the destroyed apartment and took their fight to the hallway of the building. Green Goblin was relentless in his taunts, mocking the webslinger's strength and weakness.

Gwen found herself thrown across the hallway, her Spider Woman suit in tatters and blood on her fingers from the brutal attacks. But she wasn't about to give up. With a fierce determination, she leaped across the walls and pinned Green Goblin against the wall, raining down punches on him.

But Green Goblin was unfazed, laughing in the face of Gwen's fury. And then, in a blink of an eye, he slammed her through the floor, crashing through multiple levels of the building. Captain Stacy watched in horror as the ceiling collapsed before him.

As the dust settled, Green Goblin had the webslinger pinned down on the rubble, his hand around her neck. It was a tense moment, and the outcome was far from certain.

"Your weakness, Gwen, is morality. It's choking you, can you feel it?" Green Goblin asked

Captain Stacy's shot rang out, piercing the air as it struck Green Goblin's arm. The villain's grip on Gwen's neck loosened, allowing her to breathe again. But instead of showing pain, Green Goblin merely chuckled, his eyes fixated on the bullet wound.

Undeterred, Captain Stacy stood his ground in front of the rotating entrance doors, ready to take another shot if Green Goblin dared to make a move. But the villain had other plans. He dropped down to one knee, his grip now on Gwen's hair, forcing her head up to meet his gaze.

"You call her a hero, she's nothing." Green Goblin said

"Dad, run, please." Gwen said in panic

As if on cue, Green Goblin's glider appeared, hovering just outside the rotating doors. He cackled with delight, promising Gwen a world of suffering. Horror filled her eyes as the glider burst through the doors, impaling her father and causing him to collapse. Green Goblin wasted no time, leaping onto the glider and turning to face Gwen, who had managed to rise to her feet.

"Gwen, Gwen, Gwen. No good deed goes unpunished, you can thank me later." Green Goblin said in a menacing tone

Gwen's heart sank as she watched Green Goblin's gaze shift from her to the police captain. She knew something terrible was about to happen. And then, in a swift motion, Green Goblin triggered one of his pumpkin bombs, hurling it towards Gwen before soaring away on his glider.

Desperate to protect herself, Gwen reached out to catch the bomb, but the force of the explosion knocked her back, sending her sprawling. Green Goblin continued his assault, dropping several more pumpkin bombs that obliterated every vehicle in sight. The chaos and destruction left in his wake were a chilling reminder of the danger Gwen now faced.

Captain Stacy gasped for air, his body trembling from the exertion. Gwen's voice cut through the chaos, calling out to him. In that moment, father and daughter found solace in each other's embrace, desperately checking if the other was unharmed after the brutal attack by the Green Goblin. But as they pulled apart, Gwen sensed that something was terribly wrong. Captain Stacy staggered backwards, his face contorted with pain. Without warning, he collapsed to the ground, leaving Gwen no choice but to react swiftly, catching him before he hit the unforgiving pavement.

"Dad, are you okay?" Gwen asked

"I'm so proud of you, Gwen." Captain Stacy said

"Dad, you're not making sense right now." Gwen stated

"Everything's going to be alright, you're going to need this." Captain Stacy whispered

With trembling hands, Captain Stacy passed the Spider Woman mask to Gwen. She clutched it tightly, her fingers gripping the fabric as if it were a lifeline. And then, in a cruel twist of fate, her father's breathing ceased, leaving Gwen to face the devastating reality that he had succumbed to his injuries. Tears welled up in her eyes as she held onto her father, seeking solace in their final embrace.

Gwen perched on the edge of a towering skyscraper, clutching the Spider Woman mask in her trembling hand. The relentless rain pounded against her, drenching her Spider Woman suit and adding to the weight of her already heavy heart. But as her sadness began to morph into a seething rage, she knew there was only one thing she wanted: revenge against the despicable Green Goblin. This villainous fiend had ripped her father away from her, and Gwen was determined to make him pay for his heinous crimes.

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