24: Escape the Past

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"Mingyu, Joshua is cheating on me."

Seokmin's voice was flat as he collapsed onto the couch in front of Mingyu and Wonwoo. His expression was vacant, revealing the depth of his hurt.

"What are you saying, Minie?" Mingyu asked, his concern evident as he knelt in front of his friend.

Seokmin's gaze remained hollow. "I found Jeonghan's chain in our hotel room this morning."

"Are you sure it's Jeonghan's? Because—" Wonwoo started to say, but Seokmin interrupted him.

"It was the same one he wore last night, Gyu. I suppose they both slept together."

"What are you going to do now, Min?" Mingyu asked softly.

"I'll probably wait for them to confess or search for more proof of Joshua cheating on me," Seokmin replied.

Mingyu embraced Seokmin in a warm hug, his heart aching for his friend. Seeing Seokmin, usually so cheerful, now so desolate, was heartbreaking. Mingyu's anger towards Joshua and Jeonghan simmered beneath his calm exterior.

"How could Jeonghan do this?" Mingyu muttered, eyes burning with fury. "We were best friends, and he already has a boyfriend."

"And Joshua is MARRIED to Seokmin," Wonwoo added, emphasizing the betrayal.

"Min, I don't have the strength to do anything, but you do, right?" Seokmin looked at Mingyu, his eyes pleading.

"Promise me you'll make them suffer," Seokmin begged. "Please."

Mingyu's resolve hardened. "Of course, Min. You're not happy, and I won't let them be happy either. I promise, even though Jeonghan used to be our friend. If he can choose to do this, so can I."

"And it's time now, Wonu!"

Mingyu's jaw clenched as he spoke to Wonwoo, who stood beside him. Both were dressed in black suits, standing in front of a grave adorned with flowers.

"I need to do what my best friend wanted."

A tear slipped from Mingyu's eye, which he quickly brushed away.

"And I want you to help me. You're the only one I have now."

Wonwoo squeezed Mingyu's hand reassuringly. "No, you're not alone, Mingyu."

As if on cue, another man in a black suit approached them.

"I'll help you get those two bastards," Seungcheol announced.

"Seungcheol hyung? Why would you help us?" Mingyu asked, confusion and surprise in his voice.

"Well, I know everything—how Jeonghan cheated on me with my best friend and his best friend's husband. Ironic, isn't it?" Seungcheol said, his tone laced with bitterness.

He let out a sarcastic chuckle. "I realized my mistake too late. Nicole did so much for me when she was alive, and I couldn't even save her. My own boyfriend killed her right in front of my eyes. But the least I can do is drag Jeonghan to court and make sure he faces justice."

"You're serious about this?" Mingyu asked, still taken aback.

"Yes, I am. Let's do this for both Seokmin and Nicole. And Keeho? He was the one who shot Seokmin, so he's going behind bars anyway. But we need to find Joshua and Jeonghan quickly."

Mingyu nodded in agreement. "Let's do it."


"Seokmin!" Joshua's voice cracked as he cradled Seokmin lifeless body, blood staining his hands and clothes. Tears streamed down his face, his grief palpable. He had never expected to lose Seokmin like this, especially after everything that had happened.

"Shua!" Jeonghan's voice cut through the chaos as he approached Joshua.

"I know you're heartbroken, but we need to leave before we get caught," Jeonghan urged.

Joshua looked at Jeonghan with anger and betrayal in his eyes. "You thought I'd let you win, you bastard?"

Jeonghan, despite the tense situation, managed to drag Joshua away, avoiding the onlookers, and fled to Toronto. It was the only place they could go, where their pasts wouldn't immediately catch up with them.

A year passed, and Joshua and Jeonghan managed to establish new lives for themselves. They had changed their identities and now ran a small café. The traumatic memories of the past were slowly fading, and life was settling into a routine. Joshua, in particular, was trying to cope with his grief for Seokmin, though it was evident that his feelings for Seokmin had been more of attachment than true love.

Six months later, on a wintry February night, Joshua was making his way back to their apartment after closing the café. It was late, and the streets were enveloped in fog, creating an eerie atmosphere. As he left a 9-11 store with sausages for Jeonghan, he decided to call him one last time to check if he needed anything else.

"Do you need anything, baby?" Joshua asked, a smile on his face.

"It would be nice if you could bring some sausages," Jeonghan replied.

"I've got the sausages. Anything else?" Joshua asked.

"No, that's all. Come home quickly. It's late, and there have been a lot of thieves on the streets lately. Be careful!" Jeonghan warned before hanging up.

Joshua continued walking, his thoughts on the dinner awaiting him. The streets were dark and quiet, with flickering streetlights casting eerie shadows. As he approached a dimly lit area, he noticed a figure standing under a dead streetlight. It was a tall woman with long heels, holding an axe and dragging it along the pavement, creating an unsettling sound.

"Who's that?" Joshua called out, his curiosity piqued despite the strange circumstances.

The figure remained silent. Joshua's unease grew as he tried to make sense of the situation. Was this the thief Jeonghan had warned him about? It seemed unlikely given the woman's appearance.

"I'm asking you again, who are you?" Joshua demanded, his voice tinged with frustration.

As the woman stepped into the light, Joshua's eyes widened in shock. "YOU??!!" he screamed, recognizing her.

The woman's smirk widened. "You thought you could escape your past and live happily after everything you've done?"

Before Joshua could react, the woman swung the axe. The impact was brutal, and Joshua's body collapsed to the ground, blood staining the street and the woman's heels. The echoes of his scream and the sound of the axe striking the pavement were the last things Joshua heard before everything went black.

So another chapter with another mystery. Who is this lady? A new character? Maybe or maybe not. And how does Seungcheol know about Jihan's betrayal?

This story has 1K reads now and I'm so thankful to each of you😭. I feel I'll just end this story on 18th🙂 which means next Monday🙂.

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