Chapter 3 Sego turns BI.

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Its December 28th I'm in kzn and I've visited my aunt. I have a little cousin who was visiting as well, and we normally went there December. I was sitting with my cousin in the living room playing ps4 and we were playing FIFA something i don't remember cause they all said FIFA with a number at that time i wasn't really in love with playing console "doorbell rings"

lwandile: milo!

Milo: sho lwandile

Lwandile: you here to play FIFA? Nca cut by the way. Who did it?
Milo: yeah, I'll play next game. Sho Sego. I did it myself and my uncle helped
i nodded my head to him when he greeted me, he looked so tiny. And yellow for a charro

Sego: did you really do your hair on your own or your just fronting?
Milo: I'm serious
Sego: I've been meaning to do my hair...will you cut if it for me?

Milo: sho, now?
Mind you he is probably 10 or 11
Sego: yeah, now or after FIFA

Milo: do you have a clipper?

Sego: lwandi?
Lwandile: i think so, I'lll ask gogo
Sego: okay, i hope you will know what you're doing.

So, i play my first ever game with lwandile, obviously he beats me but i fell in love with the game so quickly, i loved fifa. Eventually after an hour we go to my sister's room at my aunt's place, it was empty so we used that space

Sego: yoh yoh yoh bruh are you sure you can cut?
Milo: yeah, don't worry

Sego: bruh nah yoh

Milo: don't worry

He starts the machine. I froze for few minutes. Closed my eyes and let him cut, i open my eyes to see my hair falling off my head. Lwandile leaves the room to play more FIFA. He comes back

lwandile: yoh( he laughs)
Sego: what?!

I stand up and look at a mirror. My heart drops, wtf is this?! Cut myself my ass. My hair was so messed up it annoyed me baddddd but i decided to see the positive in it. Cause i mean i was still happy and innocent. I walk into my aunt's room to show her

Aunty n: wenzeni ekhanda lakho?

Sego: i did a style, it's not bad right?

Aunty n: gunda letho, yimbi

Sego: yonkhe?

I paused my body felt like it went white, and my soul left my body

Sego: ma?

Aunty n: yebo, tell him to cut it all off

I walk to milo to cut it all off as i felt my soul leave....i was going to a new school bold? Okay cool. Can't be that bad.

Milo: done, you want eyebrow slits?

Sego: what's that?

He points at his eyebrow
milo: this
Sego: that's simple...sure

Nigga does it...did he not cut off half of my right eyebrow??

Sego: brooooo??!!!!

Milo: yho( he laughs)

Sego: brooooooo, wtf

Milo: yasis,i didn't see yerrr

Sego: i look foolish

I looked like i was a lost crazy homeless player, i told him to cut off both my eyebrows. Might as well balance that equation. Yoh shem. I was going to a new school with now hair one? Two no eyebrows. I must just wear a ski mask cause wow. The days after that felt like they were chasing after that. It was new year's, i made a wish my hair grows overnight...or at least my eyebrows. I head back home in jhb. My friends at home where outside, we were gonna go play outside.

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