Chapter 5 Sego meets her first

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It's the next year and not going to lie Im really hoping on having a good year I've really been through a lot, and I need a break, a serious one. Covid has struck and its bad. It's really bad. These government monkeys got us on lockdown aka keep us in our homes till we hate one another honestly, I really feel like ima kill my parent's because I can't with them any longer. These niggas be making us do chores left, right and centre. I mean I don't mind physical productivity but every Danm minute of it and calling for useless things. What I hate the most is when they call me I get up from relaxing and bloody say 'I don't remember' really? Like really? This whole thing was really depressing and annoying and transforming us into antisocial as if we hate society and we're vampires, the air is our enemy. Everything is a mess like we really can't be anywhere without a mask. I mean if the Chinese can do it? What's stopping us? The quarantine affected alot i wont lie, both good and bad. The only good thing was the fact that our environment was becoming cleaner as much as we had a disease in the world it was abit cleaner. The bad well the bad was the deaths that occurred on a day to day. It was bad but we manged as a nation. Our president would have updates on the stages we would move up or down to on tv. This year it was abit better we were on stage 3 and moving to stage 2 whereas we could go to school. My school was extra so they rotated us but i guess it was smart. We started the year on stage 3.

Where we had online classes on zoom. Zoom was blasting during quarantine. Probably made millions from the quarantine. So we didnt really have to buy stationary like paper or soaps. We would meet our classmates on zoom. So its a new year and im wearing a hoodie and no pants cause its in the morning and i woke up late to log in, luckily i wasn't late to the class.

Mrs ej: goodmoring students

We all kept our audio on mute and well mrs ej was a bad bitch so she continued talking

Mrs ej: welcome back those who were with us last year and hello to those joining the people you see now on this zoom class is going to be 9A.

Us being us our camera were off cause we look messy.

Mrs ej: guys i know its early but you're camera's have be on.

We didnt want yasis, like i felt like i looked crusty, so i wore my hoodie and wore it to the point you could hardly see me. I wait for someone to switch on thier camera so that i can. The new students did so i did as well. They looked normal till tiara put her camera on. Ngwantheko calls me

ngwana: boii do you see this tiara girl??

Sego: yeah, shes pretty
ngwana: boii nahh she's mooii
Sego: its not that big of a deal boss

Ngwana: boii check the statuses
i go to my whatsapp to check what is she talking about. I go to statuses all i can see is tiara people are going crazy for this hun and im the only one who is not cause i still liked angel. So then i saw kagiso was going crazy for this hun. Eventually i went to look for her Instagram. It was hard to find it but i found it. It was private so i requested. Tiara texts me on the zoom chat. I was confused and then i responded and she didnt respond back i assumed she left it like that. Then after some time she accepts my request. I went over her pictures, danm shes beautiful like wow. I then see what people are seeing. Eventually i used my ways to get her number. (I just texted ashleigh to give me her number because they spoke) tiara was growing on me and her beauty made everything put the cherry on top. I didnt know what to say so i decided to wait till tomorrow to text her. It was Afrikaans and it was a boring lesson you would swear this teacher uses google translate, matter of fact she does. After all the classes i was like ill text her once in for all. I text her.

sego: Hey, its phiwa
i need the afrikaans homework, do you have it?

Knowing for sure i have it and ive done it. She texts me 3 minutes after.

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