Any Guesses?

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Groggily, I stretched and tried in vain to wipe the sleep from my eyes. The girls had kept me up all night with their "training" and even though I longed for just a few more hours of sleep, I knew I only had a couple of hours to get ready for Lissa's appointment.

I rolled onto my side and shifted my weight under me. Then, steadying myself on the nightstand, pulled myself up. It took skill to do anything around my belly these days, and although I was sure it never looked graceful, I always found a way around it.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," Dimitri chuckled.

Flipping him off, I sauntered into the bathroom. It really annoyed me just how happy he was in the morning. He was the type of person that got up at three hours early to go on a jog just for the fun of it. I'd sleep in a few hours every day if the world would let me, but alas, the world was a cruel place.

After a refreshing shower, I threw my hair into a semi-presentable bun and met Dimitri in the kitchen.

"I made pancakes," he chimed, handing me a stack covered in butter and soaked in syrup. "Just like you like them."

"Oh God, I love you," I breathed, reaching up to kiss him.

"You tossed and turned a bunch last night," he said nonchalantly.

"Yeah," I said, stuffing a forkful of pancakes in my mouth. "That's what happens when the girls are up all night kicking my bladder."

"Are they kicking right now?" he asked, a tinge of hope in his voice.

Scoffing, I stared at him. "No. Now that I'm awake, they're both perfectly still, probably asleep since they sure didn't sleep last night." Shoving another forkful into my mouth, I was suddenly craving Doritos. "Comrade...?"

Looking up from his coffee, he nodded. "What, Roza?"

"First of all, these pancakes are amazing. But we have any Doritos by chance?"

Laughing, he got up and searched the cabinets. Finally, he found a bag and poured me a bowl. As he handed me the bowl, he paused for just a second, "Just promise me one thing?"

"Hmm?" I mumbled, mouth full of food.

"Don't put them on your pancakes. I might just throw up at that one."

Grabbing the bowl from him quickly, I smiled. "I'm not promising anything, Comrade. The girls are hungry, and we will do as we please."

"Well then I'm evacuating before it gets too...interesting," he said, scrunching his face. "Я люблю тебя, Роуз."

Crumbling the Doritos onto my pancakes, I kissed his cheek. "Love you too, Comrade."

With a gagging noise, he was gone. Shrugging, I stuffed the concoction into my mouth. I'm not sure exactly why, but these were honestly the best pancakes I'd ever eaten. After successfully shoving all of the pancakes down my throat, I took the syrup and made a nice Dorito cereal. It also turned out better than expected, and by the end of it the girls were going crazy.

"You two are your mother's daughters," I assumed, licking the last bit of sugar from my lips.

After washing all of the evidence down the sink, I grabbed my purse and went to meet Lissa. She was sitting apprehensively on the edge of the couch in the most uncomfortable looking position.

"You okay?" I asked wandering into the living room.

Looking a bit distracted, she nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready."

Pulling my eyebrows down over my eyes, I sat on the chair beside her. "That's not exactly what I asked, Liss."

"Huh?" she muttered, finally meeting my eyes. "Oh sorry, I'm a bit..."

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