Chapter 3

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Clark's POV
When I wake up the sun is already high. Because of the thinking previous night I slept very long. I can feel every part of my body hurts. It's almost impossible that everything what happened in Mount Weather happened just yesterday. I take a deep breath and open a door of the car. It's pretty cold outside although the sun is shining, I can see my breath in the air. When I look around my previous plan seems like a total bullshit. I don't even know where the Polis is, I don't have food,my gun is almost empty and I don't even have a knife.
The winter is coming and I don't know how long it takes to arrive to Polis. So after all I'll have to go to Dropship. I remember that there were a few of weapons left by grounders. Grounders which I burned alive...
I'm scared of meeting Octavia or Lincoln or anyone from Sky people but this is my only option. Maybe I should go to Tondc but It's too risky. And what if Lexa is still there? I am not ready to face her. Not yet.
But I can't stay here any longer so I climb out of the car looking for the right direction where to go.
After maybe 30 minutes I can see a wooden wall which we made up against the grounders. I'm scared, what if someone is here? I'm sneaking with gun in my hand. In a case of attack I can smack the enemy with it.
Ground around the Dropship is covered in dead bodies and the smell is terrible. Finally I found one short sword and a blade from a spear which aren't damaged from fire. I realy don't know how to use a sword but I can use the blade like some temporary knife until I'll find something better. Now, I have to figure out what next. Some kind of map would be nice but that means that I'll have to go to Tondc. Lexa had full table of maps and I think that Indra is not exception.
........................................................................ I know that this is extremly stupid. I'm hiding behind a bush and I'm searching for any sign of Lexa, but it seems that she already left. I see warriors which are rebuilding the village. At the furthest corner of the village I can see Indra's tent and that's where I am heading. That's my plan. It'll be dark soon, I have maybe 1 hour for preparation. Then will be diner and it will be dark enought to hide me, so I will get unseen to Indras tent, I'll get a map and I'll disapear.

After maybe 30 minutes I see Indra walking towards the big fire in centre of the village. She takes her plate and sits down near fire. Many other people is coming to take their meal so this is my opportunity. I take a deep breath and I hide myself in the darkness of the forest. Slowly walking towards Indras tent I'm praying for no guards watching the village, but it seems that grounders slacked off wariness after Mountain men were defeated.
I quietly slip into Indra's tent from the back side. It's smaller than Lexa's and without a throne. It takes me a few second to finally find a table. Fortunately I was right and the table is full of maps. Now, just find the right one. I take a step closer seeking trough amount of papers. There are maps of Mount Weather but not that detailed like my and Lexa's map.
Looking on those maps reminds me of many nights which we spent together in her tent, planning our attack... I can feel like something is stuck in my throat, but I quickly come back to myself when something pops outside of the tent. So I hurriedly grab first map that looks like it's the right one and run outside.

So, here's another chapter after a long time. This one was very hard to write for me and sorry because it's realy bad. Next one is going to be better :) I hope.
Thank you for reading and voting or leaving comments. I want to make it with more action and more Clexa but it'll take some time ( a few chapters :/)

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