Chapter 1: The Bet is Set

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Note: hey hey hey! I'm still in the process of watching One Piece, and while I don't 100% simp for Sanji, this idea popped into my head and I knew I just had to put it to words. This will be about a 5 part series, 4 parts with an epilogue at the end. I don't write very much, and I mainly do it for fun, so excuse any errors and typos. but I hope you enjoy it!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

It was a warm evening out on the deck of the Thousand Sunny. You leaned over the railing of the deck, taking in the cool breeze and the salty air. It was peaceful, even with the Straw Hat crew partying behind you.

"Y/N! Hey! Over here!" You open your eyes and turn around to look back at Nami waving you over to her little umbrella table with Robin. You wave back and start walking, greeting your crew members as you pass them. You'd been welcomed into the Straw hat crew with open arms a good while ago, it felt like a lifetime ago with how well you'd gotten to know everyone. Being a part of the crew, it almost felt like home. Well, it was home. Traveling on the open seas, exploring islands, getting into mischief or even trouble, it was thrilling! The crew genuinely felt like your family, and they were happy you were there.

You sit at the table with the two women on the crew, Nami and Robin, whom you've quickly befriended after joining. Robin reading a book in her lap, Nami leaning on the table on her elbows.

"Hey Nami! Evening Robin!" You smiled. Robin hummed at the greeting, briefly looking up from her book, smiling and giving a nod, before turning back.

"Let's grab you a drink! You gotta wash down Sanji's cooking somehow," Nami said with a smile and turned around to call for the cook over the cheers and drinking of the rest of the crew.

"Hey Sanji! We need a drink for Y/N!" Nami shouted. Almost immediately, Sanji called back.

"Anything for you Nami Swan~!" Nami turned back to you, rolling her eyes.

"I hope Sanji's incessive flirting doesn't bother you," Nami sighed, "Robin and I, we're just so used to it."

"Just second nature to living with him." Robin added, without looking up from her study.

"It takes getting used to," you admitted, sheepishly rubbing the back of your neck, "I'm sure I'll be okay." You weren't totally lying. It did take getting used to. It was a bit odd having a man fawn over you for anything you did, especially in the... eclectic way Sanji did. But you knew if Nami and Robin could handle it and stomach it no problem, you knew you could too. And being a part of the crew as long as you had, it wasn't an impossible feat. Before Nami could reply, Sanji seemed to suddenly appear, a colorful looking drink being set down in front of you.

"A drink for you Y/N my sweet, a sweet treat for someone as sweet as you." Sanji grinned, feeling proud of his own flirtation. A slight dusting of a blush painted your cheeks as you gently took the glass.

"Thanks Sanji, looks great!" You beamed as he gave a satisfied giggle and walked off.

"Just the way he is," Robin said as you took a sip of the colorful drink.

"Guys! It's fine! If you can handle it, so can I!" You reassure as Nami leans forward on the table with a devious look.

"Sanji has seemed to give you a lot of attention lately." Nami smirked. You flushed a bit as you took a shy sip of the drink.

"I know. He's gone so far as to ask me out on a date." You say, placing the glass back on the table. This catches Robin's attention as she and Nami both look at you in shock.

"WHAAAAT?!?!" Shrieks from Nami and Robin echoed through the party, but not loud enough to get the attention of the others. You can't help but laugh at their reaction when Nami goes into a barrage of questions.

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