The Ultimate Test of Sanji Vinsmoke

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Notes: hey everyone! I hope you enjoy part 3! It's definitely the part I initially thought of when thinking of this, and out a lot of thought into it. I know my writings aren't perfect but I'm just glad you read em :). I'm also on ao3 and Tumblr at decorativetrashbag if you're interest in more updates or wanna follow me!

By this point, you felt it was almost routine. Today marked the last day of week 1, hard to believe it was halfway through and Sanji seemed to be taking this very seriously. Every morning a small note, sometimes accompanied by a small batch of orange blossoms. Sanji didn't greet you at the door this morning, but he made sure to make it up to you at breakfast. Today you were in the training room of the ship, where Zoro spent the majority of his time. He was training, you were just getting in some general exercise.

"So," Zoro began, setting down the weight he was using for strength training, "How's lover boy treating you?" You looked at Zoro and chuckled.

"Putting most of his attention on me, I'm surprised he's made it this far. Notes in the morning, occasionally the notes come with flowers, general flirting, eating dessert on the deck, walking me to my room, sappy stuff," You explain, doing stretches to loosen up. Zoro and Sanji were always at each others throats, arguing over this, fighting about that. Maybe that just meant they were good friends, even with their argumentative banter they always worked well together in a fight the crew had to face.

"Huh," Zoro said, picking up another weight, "He's actually giving you flowers..." You pause and look at the swordsman.

"Wait.. Zoro, are you the one that told him to do that?" You asked with a smile. Zoro looked back at you with a bit of a blush of embarrassment, and went back to swinging the weight.

"Listen, I just told him girls would appreciate getting flowers. I didn't think he'd take my advice." You blinked and laughed a bit in surprise.

"Oh my god, really?"

"Yeah, just don't go telling anyone he got it from me." Zoro huffed, swinging the weight down. "Plus, he's about half less annoying than usual having all that lovey-dovey attention go to you." You smiled as you grabbed your stuff to head out.

"Zoro, you big soft serve." You teased, walking past him patting his shoulder. "Your secret is safe with me." He looked at you with a slight smile and nodded, and as you left he went back to training. You walked down to the main deck and made your way to your room, oddly enough Sanji was waiting for you by your door, smoking next to it.

"Hey lover boy!" You called as you walked towards him. Sanji looked over to you and smiled.

"Hi Y/N~!!" He called in that lovey-dovey manner.

"What are you doing here?" You asked, tilting your head.

"Well I heard you were working out with Zoro, so I thought I'd wait," he said, puffing a cloud of smoke away from you. You raised an eyebrow and opened the door to your room.

"What, you jealous I was hanging out with him?" You asked, walking in the room. Sanji chuckled, putting out his cigarette and propping himself up with his arm on the doorframe.

"You really think Mosshead would take you from me?" He said, a little protectively.

"Down boy," you teased, setting down your things and gesturing to him to turn around. "If you're gonna play guard dog, turn around and keep watch so I can change if you're gonna keep the door open." Sanji blushed a bit and quickly turned around, trying to block as much of the doorway as possible. You pulled off your sweaty clothes and put on fresh ones, and after you did you turned back to Sanji.

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