Take His Hand, He Earned it

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Notes: hey all! thank you all for the comments on part 3!! I'm really glad you all enjoyed as much I as I enjoyed writing it! I thought I'd go ahead and upload part 4 before I go back to work for the week. We have one more chapter to go! I keep thinking about this series and theres so many things about it that have been inspiring me to write some more reader x sanji works! I'll post more in the notes of the last chapter. Keep reading it! Keep sharing it! Keep leaving kudos on ao3 or leaving votes on wattpad! I'll be giving updates on my tumblr at the same username!

Well, this was the last day of the bet between you and Sanji. These two weeks seemed to breeze on by while being the longest 2 weeks you've ever been through at the same time. You almost couldn't believe Sanji had made it this far, he almost cost the whole bet the other day but almost calling Nami and Robin by their nicknames and trying not to gush over their outfits. But he caught himself both times, you could really tell he wanted to accomplish this and earn it since the night at the casino. In the end, you were proud of him for getting this far and really pushing himself. Part of you was kind of sad and wondered how things would be between you and Sanji from now on..

Tonight was another crew party, you were sitting next to Robin and Nami as they talked and watched the crew members party. You were looking down at your pink lemonade, swirling it in the glass as you pondered all of this. That was, until Nami turned to you and called your name.

"Hey Y/N? You okay?" Nami said, flicking her long tangerine hair over her shoulder. You looked at the two girls and managed a smile, nodding.

"Yeah! I was just thinking is all," You said.

"Because the bet is over after tonight?" Robin asked, sometimes it was like she could read your mind.

"Oh yeah, it has been two weeks huh?" Nami said and you and Robin nodded.

"I was just thinking about how things will be now that it's over," You admitted. Nami nodded.

"Guess that all depends on the date Sanji takes you on!" She grinned. Oh man, you kind of forgot that now you had to go on the date now, part of you was nervously excited.

"True," Robin began, "He seems to be really infatuated with you, so I'm sure it'll all go smoothly." You felt your face flush a bit.

"You think he's that into me that he'll ask me out again?" You asked and Nami sipped her lemonade.

"Knowing Sanji? Wouldn't surprise me. But he's basically proven he can be loyal, to you especially." Robin nodded with a smile.

"I think you and Sanji would make a cute couple." You couldn't help but chuckle.

"Girls, it's just a date, no one said he and I were gonna start going steady," You said, but there was a small part of you that wouldn't mind it.

"You two were flirting with each other like you were already dating, but I guess it's up to you." Robin said.

"I think you should go for it!" Nami beamed, and you smiled.

"I guess if the date goes well enough, I'll think about it."

"Well, to your date with Sanji, we hope it goes well," Nami said, raising her glass. You and Robin clinked glasses with Nami and all took a sip.

"Hey Y/N!" You heard Sanji call from the upper deck. You turned to the sound of his voice and saw him leaning over the railing, taking the cigarette from his lips and blowing out the smoke. "C'mere!" You turned to Robin and Nami, who raised their glasses to you again, Nami giving you a wink.

"I'm sure you two have much to discuss," Nami said as you smiled, rolling your eyes with a laugh and standing up. You took your glass and walked up to the upper deck where Sanji was waiting for you. He gave you a wave as you walked over the railing and leaned on it.

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