Capture and Crash

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She stood before the man she had considered to be a father figure, seething with rage. "Why do you continue to go along with Elsbeth and her plan to find Thrawn? If I recall correctly, you told me that those who gain power are afraid to lose it. Based on that, why would Thrawn share his power with anybody? He'd be setting up for someone to betray him and take all of his power," Shin said in a surprisingly level voice. "You are allowing your obsession with the Mandalorian girl to cloud your judgment," Baylan replied. "That couldn't be farther from the truth. It plays into it, yes, but not as much as you seem to think. I see now that you were trying to lure me in with a false promise of power. I'm leaving to find my own path, and there's nothing you can do to stop me," she replied, making her way to her starfighter without another word. She left Elsbeth's ship behind and went to make the jump to hyperspace, but nothing happened. Even worse, her ship lost power, and it was picked up by another ship just as she passed out.

Sabine pointed out that a dead starfighter or something was floating just ahead of the Ghost, and though it looked intact, the occupant would soon run out of life support. "Sabine, don't you recognize that fighter?" Ahsoka asked her. "So what if it's her? I wasn't taught to just abandon someone just because they're an enemy," Sabine replied angrily. "I have to agree with Sabine on this one. I'm not in the practice of abandoning someone who needs help," General Syndulla said, giving Sabine a smile. Ahsoka merely scoffed and returned to her quarters, while Hera and Sabine picked up the starfighter and returned to the Tantive IV.

Shin awoke in an unfamiliar room, lying on a rather uncomfortable bed. When she attempted to sit up, she discovered that she had been cuffed to the bed, and when she looked around, she saw a familiar face. "Where am I?" She asked calmly, trying not to let her anger get the best of her. "You're on the Tantive IV. Hera and I picked up your ship and brought you onto the Ghost, and I kept an eye on you until we got here," she explained. "I know what you think of me. You think that I am a monster. Yet still you saved my life. You will live to regret that decision," Shin replied. "Maybe I will. But I was taught to save someone when they need saving, even if they're an enemy," Sabine said. "Sounds like something a Jedi would say," Shin said casually. "And yet, I am no Jedi," Sabine replied, getting up and leaving the room. Shin casually looked around the room for any cameras, using the Force to make them show a looped image of her laying in the bed, then undid her restraints. She managed to find a medic's uniform in the room and switched her beige and black robes for them, placing her robes in a bag she had found with the uniform after emptying it. She opened the door and slipped out without anyone noticing her. All she had to do was find the Phantom II and escape with it. She managed to find the shuttle and enter it, where she changed back into her robes. Just before she could get any further, she heard voices coming from within the Ghost, quickly and quietly hiding herself under a bench seat.

Sabine walked into the Phantom II and sat down in the pilot's seat, preparing to head to the planet below to search for a ruin that supposedly contained another piece of the map that would lead to the location of Grand Admiral Thrawn and Ezra Bridger. She detached the Phantom II from the Ghost and began her journey to the planet. At one point, she made a sharp turn, and Shin rolled out from her hiding place and into sight. "How did you get here?" Sabine asked her. "Yeah, right. Like I'm gonna tell you that," Shin replied sarcastically, so Sabine casually drew one of her blasters and pointed it at her. "How cute. Oh, and I wouldn't fire if I was you," she added, and Sabine fired her blaster, only for Shin to dodge it with ease. The bolt ricocheted off the blast door at the rear of the shuttle, then hit the flight console. "Darn it!" Sabine said, while Shin gave a slight chuckle. "I told you not to fire. Now we're going to crash land on the planet," she said. "I should have left you to die in your starfighter," Sabine said. "I told you that you would regret saving my life," Shin said simply. "Well, we're about to enter the planet's atmosphere, so I suggest you hang on to something," Sabine said, just as Shin was flung about the ship by the turbulence of entering the atmosphere. Sabine went to the back of the Phantom II and braced herself, as did Shin when she regained her footing.

Sabine awoke to the heat of a sun blazing against her face, discovering there was a hole in the side of the Phantom II that was letting in sunlight. She didn't see Shin anywhere, but she groaned as she realized that she had no choice but to rely on Shin if she wanted to survive. She was about to crawl out of the hole in the ship when she heard a groan from nearby, and she turned around to find Shin pinned against the wall by part of the flight console, which had been dislodged in the crash. Summoning all of the strength she could, Sabine freed Shin from under the console, then pulled her out of what was left of the shuttle. Shin groaned again when Sabine dropped her on the ground before starting to look for supplies to cover Shin's wound. After a bit of searching, she found some leaves and vines that she could use to both cover the wound and apply constant pressure to it. All that Shin could do as Sabine covered up her wound was lay there and groan occasionally as the Mandalorian girl worked. "Quit whining. We have to rely on each other if we want to get off this planet alive," Sabine told her. "Why do you continue to insist upon aiding me?" Shin asked her. "I... I don't know. It's part of who I am, helping people who need it," I said. "Would you have helped Gar Saxon if he needed it? Or Grand Moff Tarkin?" Shin asked. 'Well... no, I guess not," Sabine replied. "So what is it that makes me so special?" Shin asked. "Because you spared my life on Lothal. You could have killed me, made sure that I was dead, but you didn't," Sabine said, and Shin merely looked at her, unsure of what to say. "You don't have to say anything. We should start figuring out how we can get off this planet," Sabine said. "I can sense the piece of the map that you're looking for," Shin said, trying to sit up. "Don't try and sit up. You could bleed out," Sabine said, gently pushing Shin back down, "Depending on how you feel tomorrow, we can start looking for it in the morning. Right now, you need to get some rest."


Okay, so this is my take on the ship Shinbine (Shin Hati x Sabine Wren). I think it's an interesting pairing, and I have a few ideas for what could happen. Anyway, enjoy these memes:

 Anyway, enjoy these memes:

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