Ambush and the World Between Worlds

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"I sense that Shin is near death," Baylan told Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth. "We cannot afford any more delays in our mission, Skoll. I know that you think of her as a daughter, but I'm afraid there isn't much that can be done for her," Morgan replied. "Now that Shin is in the hands of the enemy, our mission is in danger. She may have already told the New Republic everything she knows about the mission," he said. "All the more important that we continue with our mission. However, I suppose we can spare a few starfighters to attempt to get Shin back. I can't make any promises that she will be able to be brought back to us before we depart for Peridia," Morgan said, and Baylan nodded, accepting that there was nothing more that could be done to find Shin and bring her back. Their ship continued on its way to Seatos, where their ride to Peridia awaited.

It had been almost a week since Sabine and Shin were rescued, and the latter had yet to awaken. Sabine rarely left her side the entire time, knowing that while Shin might not have done the same for her, she would have at least been worried about her. She was lost in thought when she felt Shin's hand tighten its grip on hers, bringing her back to reality just as Shin opened her eyes. "Shin! You're okay!" Sabine exclaimed happily. "You say that like you're surprised," Shin replied, raising an eyebrow. "I kind of am. I was starting to lose hope that you were going to wake up," Sabine replied. "How long was I out for?" Shin asked. "Almost a week," Sabine informed her, "I've missed you." "I've missed you too, Sabine," she replied. Sabine pulled Shin into a hug, and a few moments later she sensed Hera was in the room with them, quickly pulling away from Shin, even though she knew that Hera had seen enough. "Sorry to interrupt, but the captain wants you for a meeting," Hera said. "Can Shin come too? It might help the rest of the crew trust her better," Sabine replied, and Hera nodded and left the room. Shin changed into a set of armor similar to Sabine's, and when she asked about it, Sabine told her that she had an extra set of Mandalorian armor that didn't fit her, so she thought that she would give it to Shin. Much to Shin's surprise, the armor fit her pretty well, so she decided to wear it at least until she could find some new robes.

Shortly after the meeting began, Sabine gave Hera a pointed look. "If I may, my friend Sabine would like to introduce someone who has knowledge that could provide us with the chance to find Ezra Bridger and Grand Admiral Thrawn," she said, and Chancellor Mon Mothma nodded, so Sabine stood up. "Greetings Chancellor, Senators. I would like to introduce you to Shin Hati. She has knowledge that may allow us to find Thrawn and Ezra," Sabine said, gesturing to Shin to join her. "What sort of information do you have, Miss Hati?" Chancellor Mothma asked. "My Master and I were hired by Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth to aid in her search for Grand Admiral Thrawn. She has constructed a massive hyperspace ring called the Eye of Sion to travel to a distant galaxy where Thrawn was exiled. The Eye is orbiting the planet Seatos and is near completion, and she intends to make a jump to hyperspace once it has been completed. It is -" Shin said, just before the ship was rocked by an explosion, and one of the crewmembers shouted that they were under attack. The meeting was called short, and Shin flinched as she sensed the presence of her Master. "Shin, what is it?" Sabine asked her. "It's Baylan. He found us," she replied, and Hera told them that they would meet aboard the Ghost in ten minutes to make their escape, as the captain had informed her that Shin was to be kept safe at all costs. Sabine grabbed Shin's arm and pulled her to her quarters on the ship. "What are we doing here?" Shin asked in confusion. "I want to gather some supplies, and you could use a weapon," Sabine said as she handed Shin her lightsaber. "You do realize that you just essentially enabled me to kill you, right?" Shin asked. "I'm aware of that. I trust you, though," Sabine replied, gathering some small items before rushing out the door with Shin hot on her heels. 

They arrived on the Ghost to find Hera, her son Jacen, Ahsoka, and Chopper waiting for them. The ship separated from the Tantive IV and flew a short ways away before Hera executed a series of hyperspace jumps to try to lose their enemies. Shin produced a small device which she explained was meant to transfer the coordinates of the Eye of Sion to the navigation computer on the Ghost. Once the coordinates were set, Hera made another jump to hyperspace, and Sabine and Shin went to Sabine's room. "Wow. You painted all of this yourself?" Shin asked. "Yeah. I could always paint you sometime, if you want," Sabine replied. "I'd love that. Your art is so beautiful, just like you," Shin said with a smile. They spent some time talking about their pasts, then Hera came to let them know that they were almost to Seatos, so they returned to the cockpit. There was a collective gasp as the Ghost arrived in the space surrounding Seatos, as the Eye of Sion came into view. "Wow. That thing is massive," Sabine said. "It's designed to be able to use seven hyperdrives from old Imperial Super Star Destroyers to travel from our galaxy to the one where Thrawn is believed to be exiled on a planet that Morgan calls Peridia. The problem is, with that much power, the wake of the Eye of Sion would be capable of destroying small starships like the Ghost, so only some of us will be able to get onto the vessel, unless you are alright with your ship being destroyed. Which I'm guessing you would rather not have happen, General," Shin said. "That's right," Hera said. "Then we would need to have someone board the ship and hide somewhere until it's safe for them to come out," Shin explained. "Wait. What if you were to pretend to be bringing, say, Ahsoka and me aboard as prisoners?" Sabine suggested. "That actually might work," Shin said. "We're being asked to provide security clearance," Hera said. "I've got this," Shin said, providing the requested clearance to dock with the ship. Once Hera had docked the Ghost with the Eye of Sion, Hera and Jacen hid in a secret storage compartment until Shin left with Ahsoka and Sabine.

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