Chapter 5: She wasn't stupid

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Hanni found herself in the principal's office.

She was sweating non-stop, unsure of what she had done.

It appears that her high school experience can be quite challenging, as evidenced by today's events. Despite her dislike for it, she is grateful for the company of her friends who make school more bearable and even enjoyable.

An hour earlier she was just sitting on her table and trying to review her notes from the examination. She did not expect to be in the top 20, however, it seemed like fate was on her side right now, At the same time, she felt like it was her reward for working hard in the past nights together with Minji.

Hanni believes that Minji played a significant role in all of this. She is grateful to the girl for assisting her during the weeks of review and for being patient with her. She understands that it is not an easy task. Although she is sometimes irritated by Minji's cold and rude manner of speaking.

It was never easy being patient with someone.

Hanni has always struggled with being slow in school, causing her teachers to often become frustrated with her. Unfortunately, nobody has ever been patient enough to support her. While her parents have tried to help her with the little time they have, their busy work schedules make it difficult to provide adequate assistance.

This time she was patient enough to go through those mathematics books, history books, and other subjects that make it hard to ace an exam. She will not waste any of Minji's efforts on her.

Which seems to be in the questioning.

"Ms. Pham. I would like to discuss a serious matter with you right now."

Hanni looked down on her feet, she felt like she knew now what was coming.

"I would like you to take this matter as not offending, but rather validating students' efforts on the campus. We noticed that you have climbed up to the top 20 in the examination results. However, it's also unavoidable to question how possible that is since you are one of the outliers,"

Hanni felt like crying with what she just heard. Despite the disclaimer, she couldn't help but feel hurt. But the principal has a point of suspicion anyway. She can't blame him.

"I'm afraid I need your parents to come over to talk about this." The principal crossed his legs and clasped his hands.

The conversation with Hanni and the principal went on for a few minutes, while Leeseo was looking from a distance, she smirked victoriously.

Of course, she won't let this chance get away. She made sure that she reported Hanni and tried to explain that maybe there was something suspicious going on. She was happy that her homeroom teacher listened to her after endlessly bugging him and reported directly to the principal after.

"If you admit your mistake now, then we can make your sanction lighter,"

Sanction? Lighter?

Hanni, can't believe what she is hearing, she feels like her world crashing down on her shoulders down to her feet.

"B-but Sir, I didn't do anything wrong! I swear I exhausted myself in reviewing!"

Hanni stood there trying her best to defend herself. If cheating is the answer to everything, then she could've done that even before, but that was not the case.

This was all due to her hard work and Minji's patience.

"Enough, let's talk about this when your parents arrive. Please know that if you're proven to be cheating back in that examination, then you should be suspended. This is a grave offense. Miss Pham."

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