Chapter Six

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The last thing in the basement they had to complete was defeating Bowser for the first time. He knew it was easy, but that was playing the game, not living it. He gathered a star before jumping into the pipe. Lacey stayed back, she was too exhausted from the constant discomfort of gathering stars.

"I'll get it, no worries." Andres gazed down the endless void, his stomach dropping just as low. He slid down the pipe, landing square on his feet on a massive platform suspended in the air. Bowser stomped to him, beginning one of his many monologues. "Shut up and fight me already." Andres pounced forward, sliding right past the beast. Bowser whipped around and lashed his claws out. He paused for a moment to spit a fireball out of his mouth. Andres took that time to run behind him and yank his tail. Once again, the strength of a million bulls swam through his blood as he spun Bowser over and over again until he finally threw him across the map. He just barely missed the bomb Bowser needed to land on to be defeated.

Andres could feel his heartbeat in his throat as he sprinted over to the danger head-on. Bowser was shooting a lot of fireballs now, angrier than before. Andres swiveled past them, but one unexpected ember pierced his skin. He fell to his knees, hands on the now charring skin. Unbearable pain brought tears streaming down his face as he tried to stand, but Bowser was already in front of him reeling back his claws, ready to slam into Andres and end him.

I can't die completely but I don't want to have to feel this! He used every ounce of energy to shove himself out of the way. Bowser slammed the obsidian floor below him. As he was regaining composure, Andres grabbed at Bowser's tail and latched on. They were closer to the edge of the platform now, meaning the bombs were staring directly at them. A few spins and a toss later, Bowser flung backward in a loud explosion. He lay on his back, defeated. Andres slowly crumbled to the ground, the charred skin on his legs screaming with agony. Almost done, almost done, almost done- He repeated over and over again in his head as he slowly brought himself closer to the beast. His hands shook as he neared Bowser. He knew that he would not get up, but he was terrified of the pain and feared Bowser would miraculously rise. He didn't. Bowser dissolved into a star, and Andres grabbed it as he felt his consciousness start to fade.

Andres awoke on the cold tile floor, Lacey sitting next to him. "You look awful," Lacey said. "Did you die?"

"No..." Andres sat up on his knees, his legs healed over with no sign of scarring or damage. The pain had finally ebbed away, but his exhaustion lingered. "I won, I just got set on fire a few times."

"Oh, god," She shivered. "I can't imagine."

"Don't." He stood to his feet. "Because whatever you think, it's a thousand times worse." Dread flooded over him as he realized something they had forgotten.

"Agh, fuck!" He shouted. "We didn't do the basement Bowser! How could we have forgotten?" His tears returned, dreading the idea of needing to go through it all again. "And he's even harder!"

"Hey, no, we don't have to do that now." Lacey grabbed his shoulder. "Let's just get a few more levels done, a few easier ones, and go back."

"No!" His fear and dread melted into pure fury. "I'm so tired of doing this over and over and over and over again! I'm surprised neither of us have died yet since we both royally suck at this. I'm tired. I'm done."

Andres turned away trembling. He left the hallway and into the main entrance. He didn't know where he was going, he didn't care. It's not like he could escape. And there's no stupid furniture in this castle. He found himself in the ghost courtyard. Little balls of white puff floated around, but he took no mind. If he didn't bother them, they wouldn't bother him. He walked into the grass and collapsed. It was soft enough to lay on. He wasn't sure if he cared anymore. He could get thrown into the ocean and it would be better than trying to repeat everything with little reward.

Sleep never came. Andres didn't even know if he was capable of sleeping in that world. The only way he could escape was to be unconscious, but that only occurred when moving in and out of the levels. I don't want to do this anymore. The longer he lay there, the more he understood that he would be stuck there forever. There was no escape. I thought it would be fun enough. An image of his mother appeared in his mind prompting tears to prick the sides of his eyes. He flipped over on his back and started to chew his shirt. She'd be able to do this. He thought as he closed his eyes.

Delicious aromas of cooking food filled Andres's nose. He impatiently sat in front of the TV, eagerly waiting to eat. His dad finally called him and his mother into the kitchen. Pausing the game, he stood and happily bounced into the kitchen. Tacos, tacos, tacos, tacos- He grabbed a plate next to his dad.

"Kayla! Dinner is ready!" His dad called again. Andres's energy slightly withered. He sat at the table and waited for everyone to be ready. There was no response from his mother. "Kayla?" Concern clouded his dad's voice. Suddenly Andres wasn't hungry anymore. A thud made him nearly jump out of his skin. His dad dropped his plate on the table and it clattered loudly. He rushed out of the room, Andres on his heels.

"Andres, call the hospital." His dad's voice shook as he desperately tried to sit up the collapsed mother. But Andres stood frozen as if someone glued him into place. She barely looked conscious, but she muttered a few words.

"Andy, it's ok, don't."

"Dammit, Andres, hurry!"

Adrenaline shot through his body as he dug through his pockets to grab his phone. He felt it nowhere. "Where's your phone?!"


Andres bolted into the kitchen and grabbed his dad's phone off the counter. His hands shook so much that it took multiple attempts to dial 911 correctly. The ground swayed below him as he began to feel lighter and lighter trying to explain the situation to the receiver. No, no, no, I can't do this, please not now.

Andres jolted awake. He wasn't sure if it was the sudden loud chirp of a bird that echoed through the valley or the feeling of his chest being gutted. This is your fault. A voice told him. He wasn't sure what it was referring to, though.

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