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"She's a rose... she brought herself to bloom." r.h. Sin.

"You ready to go Princess?" Carter called out to Carys from the living room.

She was currently in the kitchen finishing her lunch. Although she loves to eat she was definitely the slowest of them all.

"I'malmostdone." She mumbled out stuffing her face to finish faster.

Carter furrowed his eyebrows at her response and leaned back from the couch to look in on her.

"Baby stop that!!" He yelled seeing her cheeks puffed out filled with her food.

She gave the best pout she could and finished chewing. Once all the food was done she threw her head back full as ever and quickly downed her apple juice.

"Ready." She chimed walking into the living room.

"Hmm put on your coat." He watched as she put her arms in the sleeves as he held her jacket for her.

"Why do each of you have those nicknames for me?" She asked curiously.

"Because you mean so much to us, how can we not. Plus we didn't wanna call you the same name all the time." He smiled grabbing her hand placing a kiss on it.

Her cheeks warmed at the gesture and kept hold of his hand until they got to his pickup truck. He opened the door for her and helped her in since it was so high up.

Jogging to his side he got in and started the truck giving Carys the aux cord to play some music. Pulling off the side of the road and heading to their destination.

Her playlists have definitely grown since the beginning of her senior year and she adores them all. She decided to play one of her newly created playlist and put it on shuffle.

'Blame on me' by J.I. The prince of N.Y.

"I don't like to go outside cause I can't stand the rain.
I walk outside with all this pride 'cause I can't stand the pain.
My eyes been open since I've seen the things you really do.
Act like you know it all, but if only you really knew."

She mumbled the lyrics as it blasted through the speakers. Carter watched intensely while at a stop light. Just admiring how she would close her eyes during certain sorts of the song and hold her hand to her heart when it was meaningful.

She's really changed and it's for the better.

It's been a few days now since we got the news that she can now have a normal life. She's been out everyday now.

Carter decided it's time she learned how to drive so he's headed to an empty parking lot they can practice in.

"Aaahhh this is my favorite part." She squealed gaining his attention and sitting up more in her seat.

"Play with my heart like that, I ain't think it would start like that.
When I open my eyes, I can't see shit 'cause I be in the dark like that.
I treated you good when nobody would, I played my part like that.
You fuckin' around, you gotta let me know so I don't get my heart attached.
I know what you do before you do it, you ain't slick like that.
I could do what you do to me to you, but I don't get like that.
You did what you did for way too long 'cause you ain't shit like that.
I used to make you touch your toes, and give you dick like that."

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