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"It wasn't love, just heavy manipulation." r.h. Sin 


Being back home was really nice, easily knowing the locations you are at and the majority of the stores and places you needed to go was great. Under the circumstances I think we all wished we could have hide in Bora Bora where there was no troubles at all.

its been a few days and the police have been here none stop asking questions and going over everything possible that could help with the case. Russell had been pulled into an emergency surgery with a longterm patient of his so he hasn't been around much today.

Two detectives including Josiah's messy ass is here to go over the files that may have been accessed before the fire started.

I couldn't have been more stressed and overwhelmed. I don't know why he thought it would be a good idea to come here. I sent Carys and the boys to their rooms until this matter was finished. I didn't need him preying over my daughter and the boys getting arrested for assaulting, hell attempted murder of a police officer.

"Mrs. Doberman." the first detective said, I gave him curt nod and looked at the disgusting human being behind him. "Aria" he spoke with a grin. he knew what he was doing and it was pissing me off.

"You don't get to call me that anymore." I spat closing the door and walking away to the living room.

"Now mrs. doberman we went over everything that was collected from the fire and unfortunately all your files was destroyed including the laptop. By any chance did you have a backup laptop you stored you files on?" the first detective who's name I learned is Mitch asked me.

I gave small smile, "Yeah I made sure to keep all my files on both for when I stayed up late at home working on them. I'll go get it." I dashed to my office luckily on the first floor and retrieved my laptop.

After logging on I sat it on the table in the living room and reviews my files. I scrunched up my face in confusion at the recent opening of some of my files. "shit!" I cursed.

"whats wrong?" Josiah asked.

"Some of my files were opened the day of the fire and it wasn't by me. none of my staff or other therapists knows my password so it couldn't have been them." I racked my brain of who could do this and why.

That's when it hit me, but I still don't understand. I can't let them know, remain Calm and answer truthfully but vaguely.

"Who would do it then, do you have any enemies from therapy sessions?" they asked concerned.

"No not that I know of, I mean you get the usual angry responses but no one had threatened my life or the others."

That was the truth but I wont tell them the one file was specific of someone they don't even know I'm related to.

No one knows really, except that person, her second in command and my husband.

What the fuck were they thinking?

my head hurts and I am getting angrier the more I think about it.

The cops stayed for another 20 minutes before deciding I told them all that I could.

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