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Kayla's POV:

"You so cheated", I yell, bumping his shoulder as we move away from the basketball hoops.

"Did not. I just happen to have sports skills. Besides, you cheated at the car race."

"Pshh, no I didn't. I just happened to accidentally kick your controller out of your hand."

Ok, so maybe I cheated a little bit, but I didn't expect him to be so good at any game. He looked so pale at the beginning and I was already beginning to regret bringing him along, but as soon as we started playing, he turned from a stiff and uptight rulebook to a pretty chill and decent gamer.

I am not letting him win the bet.

"So what game are we doing next?", he asks

"Hmm... we've already done air hockey, basketball, racing, plants vs zombies...", I count, ticking the games off my fingers.

"How about the dance machines?"

I look to where he is pointing with a smile. "I am a master at the art of dance young Aaron. Do you really want to take me on?", I say in a wise voice, like the turtle from Kung Fu Panda.

He smiles, and we both run towards the dance machines.


"You are cheating", I gasp as I struggle to keep up with the moves.

"Please, I am just a better dancer then you", he says. "Are you even trying to follow the steps."

Of course Aaron would be able to follow the steps. Steps are rules and he excels at them. I'm here panting, and he hasn't even broken a sweat. He has taken off his glasses so I can see his dark eyes gleaming with excitement.

Surprising though, that he doesn't need his glasses to see.

"I win", he screams as the game (finally) ends and declares him the winner.

"I cannot believe that you've never been to the arcade before. You are a pro."

"Guess I always had it in my blood, but my parents never let me so...", he breaks off, staring at the floor, and I instantly know that this is an uncomfortable topic for him.

"Want to get some ice-cream?", I change the subject, and he looks at me gratefully.

I watch him as he heads off to a girl selling ice-cream at a stand. The girl is flirting with him, but he seems oblivious.

I purse my lips as I check him out. Tall, well built, cute butt. He was actually very good looking even with the glasses. His seriousness and playfulness is such a cute yet sexy mix.

He turns towards me, an ice-cream in each hand, and I look away quickly. If i had a lighter skin color, I would probably have been totally red.

This is the boy who I called boring just last week. There is no way that I am finding him sexy.

"Here", he says, giving me an ice-cream.

"Thanks", I quickly collect it, and take a huge lick, instantly dissolving into a puddle of happiness. Ice-cream does that to me.

"Dude, you bought me chocolate chip ice-cream? How did you know that it's my favorite?"

He blushes a bit. "In grade school, you always ate chocolate chip cookies so I figured... you might like it as an ice-cream?"

I smile as I take another lick of the creamy goodness. Jason had been my boyfriend for two years and he never remembered my favorite meal (pizza), yet this guy who I had been fake dating for less than a week already knew my favorite ice-cream flavor.

I picked a good fake boyfriend.

"Oh by the way, I usually wait for the guys to ask, but can I have your number?", I ask, bringing my phone out from my pocket and offering it to him.

"Kind of weird that we don't have each other's numbers already", he says as he collects my phone and inputs his number.

I collect my phone back, and open the camera app, facing the phone so that it captures both of us.

"Say cheese"

He puts an arm round my shoulder and holds his ice-cream to the camera, while I make the peace sign with my free hand, and take the picture.

"That is going on my Instagram account. Your girlfriend will see it and totally freak. How can you be boring if you're ditching class to get an ice-cream at the arcade?"

I smile, proud of my idea, and he laughs.

"We should probably head back now."

I nod. Detention was over at least ten minutes ago, and Aaron has football practice to attend.

We make our way out of the mall and start to head back, passing by the tattoo place once more.

"Why did you get tattoos", he asks, almost under his breath, still intent on his ice-cream.

"It helps me cope you know. Things haven't been the best for me and having these drawings on my skin actually helps me realize that life is just a bunch of art viewed in different perspectives."

"Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

And I burst out laughing, snorting so hard that he looks worried.

"Omg, you really believed it", I squeal.

"Wait, so it wasn't true?", he asks, realization dawning on his features.

"Nope. I just get tattoos cause I like the art and the designs on my skin. All of that poetic stuff is just what people want to hear."

He bumps me, and my ice-cream falls out of my hand and onto the sidewalk. I stop, and he does too.

"Ooops?", he says.

"Ooops?", I mimic. "You had the guts to deprive me of my chocolate chip ice-cream and all you can say is 'ooops?'"

He looks like he is about to laugh, and I guess I must look pretty funny, raving about an ice-cream.

"Give me your ice-cream."

"Not a chance. You deserve to lose your ice-cream after that tattoo prank."

I grab at his ice-cream but he uses one hand to brush me off, and the other to guard the ice-cream.

"You only get one lick", he says.

"Whatever", I say as he brings the ice-cream close enough to taste. I take a lick and savor it. It tastes very nice, like cherries.

"Cherry flavor?", I ask, looking up at his face, but he looks pale and shocked, and he is looking at his ice-cream. I look at the ice-cream too and....

Oh shoot.

I licked from the exact same spot that he was licking.

Which means we indirectly kissed.

I feel my body getting hot, even though we have kissed before. Is it such a big deal?

Yes. It is.

Aaron clears his throat. "We should probably start going", he says, his voice husky.

I nod, and we head off, but the mood has shifted now. We walk in total silence until we reach the school.

A/N: So.... how are we all doing. It took me some time to write this particular chapter, but I hope you all like it. Also, I am doing a double update, so chapter 8 will be dropping in a few minutes. See you loves. 💋💋💋

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