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Kayla's POV:

I don't know how long I sit on the branch of the tree near Aaron's window but finally, he slides it open and I see his face, a mixture of shock, awe and joy on his face.

"Kayla what are you doing here?", he asks in his stern class captain voice and I have to roll my eyes.

"Well obviously I'm sitting on a branch? Maybe you'll let me in since this dress isn't exactly made for climbing trees."

He steps aside and I slither into the room. I am instantly struck by how neat it is. Everything is arranged, his books neatly placed in a shelf, bed painstakingly made, his pajamas folded neatly at the bottom corner. No posters on the wall or crumpled papers in the waste bin near his study table.

His room is the opposite of mine.

"What do you think?", he asks and I roll my eyes.

"It's too neat"

He glares at me, and I laugh.

"Keep it down", he says, looking around fearfully. My parents are still awake."

Oh right, his parents. The strict ones who obviously don't like me, even though I did so much to change myself.

As if reading my mind, Aaron moves closer to me.

"I told you not to change", he says to me. "You promised you would be yourself."

"Isn't this being myself?", I gesture down to my outfit, something that I had borrowed from Steph. It's something she wears when she attends events with her Dad.

"You know this isn't you", he says to me and I roll my eyes before yanking off the scarf. Gosh that thing was suffocating me.

"Change out of that outfit. I feel like I have to be all prim and proper around you", Aaron says and I roll my eyes.

"If I had anything to change into, I would have taken this off a long time ago"

Aaron looks at me, as if sizing me up. Then in one fluid movement, he takes off the gray t shirt he is wearing and tosses it at me.

"Wear this."

I catch the t shirt, but I'm not looking at it. Instead, my eyes are fixed on his naked torso and strong arms. His abs are well sculpted and defined, probably from all the hours he spends playing football. Gradually my eyes go down, caressing each muscle with my gaze until I reach where his pants hang low on his hips exposing the V- shaped –

My mouth goes dry as I force myself to look up at him. His glasses are shielding his eyes so I can't tell his expression, but it's obvious that I was just admiring his body.

I clear my throat. "Where is the bathroom?"

He points at a door at the far end of his room which I hadn't seen before. He is quiet as I walk into the bathroom, shutting the door gently behind me.

Aaron's bathroom is as clean as the rest of his room. There is a huge mirror on the wall and I turn to face it as I begin to take off the outfit I borrowed from Steph.

Aaron was right when he said that the outfit wasn't me being myself. It was suffocating and while wearing it, I felt like a fraud, like I was out of place and everyone knew it.

At least, Aaron's mom did.

I shudder as I remember the judgmental way she looked at me, from the moment I entered to the moment I left. Instantly, I knew that she was the snobby type, the one who thought delinquents like me would corrupt her good son.

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