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I pace the dining room anxiously. Then I glance at my watch.


I haven't seen Kayla all day, and it has been an hour since I last spoke to her, when I texted her the address of my house. I had gone to her class and the art's lab after school to find her and talk to her, but she was nowhere to be seen, so eventually, I gave up and went home.

"She better be on time", I hear my mother say from the living room.

Time is the least of my worries.

Today, Alicia came to sit with me during lunch, and I felt a little rush of joy. I have been fake dating Kayla for so long that I am beginning to lose sight of my goal which is to try and win her back, so when she came up to me, I let her sit with me. However, it didn't take me too long to find out that I was not interested. I tried to laugh at her jokes and appear interested, but my eyes kept straying to the bad girl who sat on the table across mine. Immediately after lunch, I texted her my address. Instantly she replied that it was very close to her house, and she asked for the time of the dinner, to which I replied six o'clock sharp.

That was the last time I spoke to her.

I glance at my watch again.


I'm not worried about her being late – she's Kayla after all, the girl who comes late to most, if not all of her classes. However, she hasn't replied any of my calls or texts which is very concerning to me.

My mom walks out of the sitting room to join me. She is dressed very formally in a black and white dress with a huge black hat that has a large whit feather sticking out of it. On her neck are two strings of pearls, and she is wearing pearl earrings to match. She looks very regal and formal.


"Are you sure this girl is coming?", she asks in a very condescending tone. I hate how she has judged Kayla even without getting to know her.

Then again, I judged Kayla without getting to know her. Maybe we are more similar than I thought.

"Kayla is going to come Mom", I say quietly. I don't want to start a fight. Also, Timothy is upstairs reading, and I don't want to disturb him.

"I must say she is very odd", my Mom continues, as if I hadn't spoken. "If it was Alicia, she would have been here ready and waiting."

"Kayla is ten times the person that Alicia is", I defend her fervently, almost shocked by how much I mean it. I have spent so much time putting Alicia on a pedestal but now I am realizing that there are people who are far better than her.

"Nonsense", my mom says sharply, glaring at me. "Alicia is an awesome girl. I can't believe that you allowed her to get away."

I am about to open my mouth to say that it was Alicia who left me, when the doorbell rings.

I glance at my watch.


She's early.

I move away from my mother and towards the door, quickly pulling it open in my anxiety to see her. But when the door opens, I can't help but stare in... shock.

The girl at the door isn't Kayla. It can't be. I mean, she has the same dark skin, dark hair and green eyes, but yet she's different.

Kayla is wearing a light green dress suit with cute white heels. She has on a simple pair of hoop earrings and her makeup is clean and modest yet elegant. Her hair is curled and falls down her back in soft waves. Around her neck is a white scarf, twined into an elegant style.

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