Chapter Seven

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The anticipation bubbled within Megan as the elevator climbed steadily to Archer's apartment floor. Saturday night had arrived, and she found herself standing in the confines of the elevator, her heart beating with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. The soft hum of the elevator's ascent mirrored the rhythm of her thoughts, a steady crescendo building with each passing floor. Megan stepped out into the corridor when the doors opened, her eyes immediately scanning the numbers on the doors until she found the one marked with Archer's apartment number. Taking a deep breath, she approached the door, her hand poised to knock.

Archer's heart quickened as he opened the door, anticipation coursing through his veins. His breath caught in his throat when his eyes landed on Megan, and a wide smile illuminated his face. She looked stunning as ever, her shoulder-length black hair cascading in loose waves and a smile that could light up the room.

Their eyes met, and Archer's smile grew wider. 'You made it,' he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine delight.

Megan's face beamed with joy, mirroring Archer's enthusiasm. 'Wouldn't miss it for the world.'

Archer burst into laughter when he noticed Megan's arms filled to the brim with food. At the bottom of the stack, she held a container of spaghetti Bolognese for dinner, while resting on top were containers of cookies, a packet of Doritos, and two packets of popcorn. Megan could not help but feel proud of herself. She had managed to cook the Spaghetti Bolognese and bake the cookies alone without mishaps. It was a significant achievement for her, considering her past kitchen mishaps. Cooking was not her strong suit, to say the least.

Archer playfully stepped to the side, creating a path for Megan to enter his apartment. Her infectious grin remained intact as she confidently strode forward. However, fate had a different plan in store. In an unfortunate twist of events, Megan's foot became entangled in Archer's doormat, causing her to lose her balance. Time seemed to slow down as her expression morphed into a mixture of bewilderment and horror. Her body swayed precariously, arms flailing to regain equilibrium, while the food she held went airborne, defying gravity.

In a desperate roar, Megan cried out, 'No!' as she helplessly watched her culinary creations soar through the air, their trajectory completely beyond her control.

Archer stood frozen in shock and horror as the scene unfolded before him. The crash of the food hitting the ground resonated in the air, accompanied by the sound of lids popping off containers and the splattering of spaghetti bolognese like an abstract artwork across his floor. Cookies scattered and disappeared under the furniture as if seeking refuge from the chaos. Amidst the wreckage, only the packets of Doritos and popcorn managed to land near Megan, a small consolation amid the devastation.

Megan's heart sank as she surveyed the aftermath of her culinary catastrophe. She had finally successfully cooked a meal, only to have Archer's doormat conspire against her accomplishment. Overwhelmed with frustration, she closed her eyes for a moment, attempting to gather her composure. But the anger within her welled up, and in a fit of outrage, she stood up, untangled herself from the doormat's clutches, and raised her leg high, intending to deliver a forceful stomp of defiance.

A deafening pop reverberated throughout the apartment as Megan's foot unintentionally crushed the packet of Doritos. The serendipitous positioning of the bag resulted in a spray of cheesy chips aimed directly at Archer, who stood nearby, completely caught off guard. Archer's face contorted in surprise as the Doritos rained down upon him, clinging to his hair and peppering his clothes.

Startled by the unexpected explosion, Megan's eyes widened in shock. She took a panicked step back, her foot sliding on the now mostly empty Doritos packet, causing her to stumble and lose her balance. As she desperately tried to regain her footing, her left foot encountered one of the scattered popcorn packets, causing it to skid out from under her. This led to yet another stumble, and her other foot landed on the last surviving packet of popcorn in a fateful twist of fate.

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