Chapter Twenty-Two

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Megan's hand found the doorknob, and she swung open the door to the loft with a fluid motion. A soft exhale escaped her lips, carrying the weight of the world as she stepped over the threshold. The corners of her lips turned upwards, coaxing her features into a gentle smile that reflected the warmth she felt. The arch window in Megan's bedroom acted like a portal for the city lights, scattering their glow across the loft. The streaks of light danced playfully across the room, painting an enchanting scene that seemed straight out of a dream. It was as though the stars had decided to make a guest appearance, adding a touch of magic to their little corner of the world. The interplay of light and shadow created a captivating show.

'Home sweet home,' Megan's voice, a tender murmur, floated in the air as she took a step further into the space. She flicked the light switch next to the door and watched as the area flickered to life. The room awakened like an old friend, revealing its familiar treasures under the new light.

Archer followed in her wake, his presence a comforting reassurance as he crossed the threshold into their shared haven. He shut the door behind him, and a soft smile played on his lips, a silent agreement to Megan's sentiment. With a movement that was as natural as breathing, he extended his hand, his fingers resting on the small of Megan's back. Leaning down, Archer's lips pressed against Megan's forehead, a gesture that spoke volumes without the need for words. It was a kiss that promised protection, support and a love that would not waver.

Megan's lips curved into a soft smile, her heart dancing to a secret melody as Archer's lips met her skin. The sensation was a gentle caress, igniting a warmth that seemed to radiate from that single point of contact. With a contented hum that was both a response and an affirmation, she eased herself down to the floor, her fingers deftly undoing the laces of her shoes. The act of slipping off her shoes and socks was more than a routine; it was a ritual of shedding the burdens of the day.

Archer took a step, aiming to stroll past her, but Megan's fingers darted out like mischievous little hooks, playfully snagging a piece of denim on his jeans. With a grin that danced with a playful challenge, she held him captive for a fleeting moment. 'Hold on there, speedy. Take your shoes off first,' she chided a glint of amusement in her eyes before releasing her hold on his jeans.

Archer's eyes rolled with theatrical flair and a mockingly dramatic sigh. 'Yes, mother,' he responded with a hint of sass, the corners of his lips tugging upward.

Archer executed a well-practised bend, manoeuvring himself down beside Megan. Their shoulders bumped gently as Archer slipped one of his shoes off. A soft snicker left Archer's lips as he watched Megan become unbalanced. He reached a hand out to steady her, grasping her upper arm.

'Whoa, easy there, Megan. Nearly fell on your face,' Archer's voice rang out with a teasing undertone.

Megan's head shook with an accompanying laugh. 'Oh no, can't have that now, can we? Face-planting is strictly on my 'not today' list.'

'No, we can't,' Archer quipped. 'Your face is in the 'too pretty to mess up' category.'

A snort escaped Megan, 'Yes, we'll just leave that to you.'

'Oi,' Archer laughed, 'are you saying that I'm not pretty?' He gestured at his face. 'I mean, come on, look at me. I look like a fucking God!'

'You are impossible,' Megan laughed as she stuffed her socks into her boots and placed them neatly beside the door. She flicked Archer's shoulder as she stood up from the ground and walked across the loft. Humming to herself again, Megan pulled her bag from her shoulder and placed it on the kitchen counter. Her jacket was shed from her body next, and she draped it over the back of one of the kitchen chairs.

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