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Long time skip to after 6 months

Kinnporsche gets closer day by day…kinn was glad he selected porsche to be his son's babysitter..kinn was happy to see Porsche everyday..he feels happy whenever he sees Porsche…sooner..the feelings on Porsche has grown.. kinn always feels grateful that porsche came into his and his son's life…and phoenix became more happy after porsche comes..

One day..

Kinn has a headache so he took a day off and taking rest in home while Porsche is taking care of phoenix…

Kinn was asleep straight 3hs …he woke up and came downstairs…porsche is cleaning the living room..he saw kinn is coming

Porsche: you're awake are you feeling now khun kinn?

Kinn: better Porsche..umm..if you don't mind can you make me a Cup of tea?

Porsche: of course khun kinn

Then Porsche went to kitchen and making a tea for kinn.. and kinn is sitting in the living room and leaned his head back and resting…

Soon Porsche made tea and gives it to kinn..kinn thanked him and drinks it…suddenly they hear the baby crying…porsche ran to his nursery room and takes phoenix in his arms…Porsche realised his nappy is wet…so take the dirty nappy and puts a clean nappy to phoenix

Porsche: there there baby you're clean now.. let's go to downstairs yeah

Porsche takes him and went to downstairs.. Kinn saw Porsche is carrying his son in his arms…a smile appeared on his face

Kinn: he's awake huh

Porsche: yeah.. I changed his nappy na

Kinn: oh.. Then that's y he cried huh

Porsche: yes na …umm.. khun kinn can you hold him I will go make a bottle for him na

Kinn: of course Porsche…come to daddy baby

Kinn finished his tea.. Porsche takes the Cup and gives phoenix to kinn..kinn takes him and placed him in his lap.. meanwhile porsche is making a bottle for him

Kinn is playing with his son.. phoenix was laughing and giggling loudly…porsche can hear his gigglings from the kitchen…he chuckled and makes a bottle for him and went to living room…

He gives the bottle to kinn..and starts feeding his son…porsche is looking at them with smile on his face…after he finished…they are talking and playing with him…

Hello kinn

Someone came and greeted kinn…he stopped playing with him and turns his head to see who is it…it is his ex wife…his wife turned into anger…porsche just staring at her…then he saw kinn's face and sees the angry look on his face…Porsche understood she was is ex wife..

Kinn: what do you want?

Kinn says with cold voice

She: I'm here to see our–

Kinn: mine…he's only MINE..

She: kk calm down…I'm here to see him

Kinn: why so suddenly tho.. You haven't come here to see him From months and why now?

She: I'm busy

Kinn: whatever..there you see him…now get out

She: wait kinn– who is that boy behind you?

Kinn: none of your business

She: aw come on kinn…is he your new boyfriend? How could you already move on from our relationship huh…wow I didn't expect this…you already found boyfriend huh

She says sarcasticly…kinn is already fuming in anger but he don't want to burst out in front of Porsche…so he gave phoenix to porsche and wait upstairs…Porsche nods and takes the baby went to upstairs and closed the door…

As soon as Porsche gone From kinn's sight…kinn grabbed her neck and pinned her to wall and choked her hardly…

Kinn: you have no fucking right to talk about him… how dare you to come here huh and talking shit in front of me about him…well if he's my any problem bitch? FUCKING TELL ME…DON'T YOU DARE TO COME HERE AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU AND DIG A FUCKING GRAVE YOU AND BURY YOU HERE…DO YOU UNDERSTAND?

Kinn shouted on her angryly.. Porsche can hear kinn's scream from the downstairs.. it was shocking for him to see kinn's anger for the first time…

He choked and choked her until she was about to passed out…he left her neck and she was gasping for air and coughing

Kinn: listen you stupid women…don't fucking test my patience..if you come here again…remember I will not hesitate to kill you…now fuck off

Kinn said seriously and she left from there angryly…

After she left..kinn calmed himself down for a moment and went inside and open the door and saw Porsche is sitting on the bed..…he slowly went to him and stands in front of him

Kinn: porsche

Porsche: h-huh

Porsche raised his head and see kinn and stands up…Kinn hugs him suddenly and it surprised Porsche but slowly Porsche hugs kinn back

Kinn: I'm so sorry porsche.. I'm sry you had to see this

Porsche: no it's alright khun kinn…it's not your fault na..plz don't blame yourself

Porch said and kinn backed up from the hug and smiled lightly and patts Porsche cheek

Skip to night..

It was raining hardly with thunders.. Porsche was waiting for the rain to Stop so he can go home…but the rain looks like not gonna stop

Kinn: umm…Porsche if you don't mind you can stay here for tonight na .. looks like the rain not going to Stop

Porsche: oh…it's alright na.. I will go

Kinn: noo Porsche.. look at the rain pouring so heavily.. It's not safe for you to go home alone..stay here for tonight and you can take day off tommorow if you want Porsche.. But for today stay here

Kinn says and Porsche thinks for a min and accept to stay

Porsche: ok khun kinn I will stay…. I will uhh.. sleep on couch na

Kinn: on couch? I don't think so it's comfortable for you Porsche umm…. You can sleep in my room if you don't have problem..

Porsche: o-oh! You sure khun kinn?

Kinn: yeah Porsche I'm sure…so….?

Porsche: ………. Ok

Later Porsche informed his mom he's staying in kinn's home for tonight..she accepted

In kinn's room..

Kinn went to take a shower after Porsche finished showering…

Porsche is sitting on the bed and rubbing her his wet hair with towel…soon kinn finished showering and came out from the bathroom…porsche turned his head and sees kinn's wet body…he lost in thoughts and staring at kinn's body without blinking his eyes..kinn glances at Porsche who is busy in observing his body…he smirked and slowly went to Porsche and crawled onto bed…Porsche came into back his senses and looks at kinn…

Porsche: k-khun kinn!

Porsche says while shuttering.. But kinn didn't say anything but crawled onto Porsche and placed his both hands sides of the bed.. Porsche was trapped btw kinn's hands.. kinn leaned forward on Porsche.. The water drop lets from kinn's wet hair are falling down down on Porsche's face…porsche is gulping while staring at kinn…kinn slowly brings his face near Porsche face…Porsche can feel the kinn's hot breathe on his lips

Kinn: Porsche I don't know this is the right time or wrong time but……I really want to kiss you

Porsche: h-huh!!

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