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The police immediately takes the action and shots her hand before she pulled the trigger… as soon as the police shot her hand she dropped the gun and she fell down on her knees and hissing in pain… the other police officers hurriedly catch the ppl who is with her and takes them into the custody.. kinn immediately ran to her and takes his son into his arms and sushed the baby while rocking him…

Meanwhile.. she was still trying reaching the gun Porsche who noticed this and ran to her and kicked the gun from there .. she looks at Porsche with angry look in her face…Porsche glared at her and speak

Porsche: no one's gonna scared by your disgusting look.. your story has ends her and now stay your remaining life in the prison…….. bitch

Porsche said and ran to kinn and phoenix.. soon the police takes her and her paid man to the car to the police station.. kinnporsche and the baby went to the hospital to see nam…

As soon as they reached nam takes the baby and hugged him and cried.. Porsche comforts his mother…

By this kinn’s ex wife story has ended

After 1y

Kinnporsche first anniversary as boyfriend's is coming.. kinn is planning something big to surprise Porsche and it's… he's gonna propose to marry him.. before that…he called Vegas and thankhun to come to his house to discuss about it…while Porsche went to his home to see his mother..

Vegas: so what do you want to talk about?

Kinn: well it's uhh… you see our first anniversary as boyfriend's is coming in one week right

Vegas: yeh what about it? Do you want to give him a surprise?

Kinn: yeah…actually I'm thinking something big

Vegas: something big? What's that?

Kinn: I'm going to ask him to…. Marry him

Vegas: ohh that's goo–

Vegas/thankhun: YOU WHAT!!!

They both says in shock and kinn Just looking at them and smiled awkwardly

Thankhun: kinn are you serious?

Kinn: yeah bro I'm serious… i want him to stay with me forever and be mine forever

Thankhun: awwwww you're so sweet kinn.. we will help you in this

Kinn: really? Thank you guy's

Kinn says and hugs both of them

After one week at their first boyfriend's anniversary

Kinnporsche had a lovely romantic shower together had a lovely breakfast… kinn told nam about his proposal and she's so happy about it.. kinn wants to surprise Porsche.... so if kinn wants to give surprise Porsche…so he shouldn't be there so he calls Pete and takes Porsche out, Pet says yes… soon Pete arrives and they both went out

After he left kinn immediately calls vegas and thankhun they bought decoration stuff with them … tht three of them starts decorating the house..

Skip to night…

Finally the decoration is done.. and speaking about the rings kinn already bought it…thankhun went to Porsche home to fetch him.. as soon as Porsche get in the car thankhun immediately blindfolded him.. Porsche panicked for a sec but thankhun told him to calm down..

After 15 mins they reached home .. thankhun gets off from the car and he helps Porsche to get down from the car.. he leads Porsche the way.. later they entered inside the House and thankhun left his hand

Porsche: phi are you there? Can I take of my blindfold now?

But no response Porsche called him again. But still no response so Porsche gave up and takes off the blindfold as soon as he takes off the blindfold.. thankhun blasted the balloon and that makes him startled but he looks around the decoration I'm in awe..

Porsche steps forward towards kinn.. kinn looks at Porsche with loving gaze and then by his waist and gives Porsche a loving kiss… Porsche kissed kinn back..

Kinn: happy first anniversary baby

Kinn says with soft tone.. Porsche smiled at kinn and says

Porsche: happy first anniversary to you too luv.. you guy's made this?

Kinn: Yeah for you

Porsche: aww thank you so much na

Kinn: welcome luv.. ohh i have one big conversion for you

Porsche: what is it?

Porsche asked.. kinn takes a long and calm breathe and starts his confession

Kinn: Porsche.. I never wanted to follow love again after my divorced with my ex wife but you made me fall in love again you made me realised what I am for that thank you so much I never thought I would be fall in love with a boy but now I am so happy and that I fall in love with you the way you treat my son as your son that made my heart melt you always take care of pheonix as your own son.. whenever I see you playing with phoenix it makes me really happy to see phoenix happy is really happy with you.. I am really not good at confessing something important so I will come to the straight point Porsche you know I love you so much right?
.. I always proudly say that you are my boyfriend but now I want to take this boyfriend thing to the next level..

Kinn kneeled down and takes the small box out.. Porsche already knew what kinn is going to do.. he gasped and covered his mouth and starts crying in happiness

Kinn: Porsche will you Marry me and be mine forever and ever?

Kinn finally confessed and right in front of him Porsche is crying.. Porsche didn't say anything but he nodded his head as yes… a bright smile formed in kinn's face…

In back Vegas and thankhun are shouting in happiness.. kinn gets up and Porsche immediately hugs kinn

Porsche: O-omg kinn when did you prepared for this?

Kinn: Just a few weeks baby

Porsche: oh goodness.. you even bought the rings too.. i love you so much

Kinn: i love you more baby

Vegas and thankhun also joined in hug

After one month.. kinnporsche got married and now Porsche is officially papa of phoenix

And then kinnporsche lived their life happily ever after with their beloved son phoenix


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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