𝙩𝙚𝙣, 𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨

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  Mattheo's words make me wanna throw up. What does he mean by "who said he's dead" ?!

I cross my arms as I speak "What are you talking about?"

"I mean that no one has even found a body. He can be alive for all we know."

"So you don't know for sure?"

He nods "Yeah. What did you think I meant?"

I shake my head "Oh I don't know that he is alive and you knew." I say like it's the most obvious thing.

He smiles at me and I'm not sure why. "What are you smiling at?" I ask, blushing a bit.

"You, obviously."

I feel my cheeks heat up as I look at the floor. I don't know what to say. "Well, I hope you have more ideas because those are unrealistic."

He sighs "I don't know. I mean it's just a tournament, what could they even get out of me participating? And don't say me dying because that's not even a for sure thing that will happen."

I cross my arms and blow out a small breath "There's still a chance though, maybe the person thinks they will get lucky"

He gives me a look and shakes his head "That's unrealistic."

I scoff "I give up then because I have no idea."

"I never asked you to help."

"I know but I want to. Nobody else will and you can't try and go all Sherlock Holmes by yourself."

He laughs "I wasn't going to."

I lift a brow "So you're telling me you were just going to ignore this entire situation?"

"Not ignore it." He pauses for a minute "Just put it on hold for a little."

"On hold?!" I scream "What is wrong with you? Someone can be trying to kill you and you wanna put it on hold??"

"I thought you didn't care?"

"I don't but you should!" I defend. To be quite honest I don't know if I care, I don't want to. I made a promise to Cedric and I already broke it and my caring would make this 10 times worse.

He laughs "Why should I?"

"Because Riddle you could be murdered!" I argue—does he not care about his own well-being?

He sighs "I don't have time to deal with any of this, I need to focus on school."

"But you can't Mattheo...you can like...die what are you not understanding about that?"

"I do understand. I just don't think that I deserve to deal with this shit on top of everything else."

I stay silent, I have no idea how to reply so I don't. I nod and walk out of his dorm. I feel bad for yelling but this is death we are talking about here. I don't care if it's a stranger, my family, or even a Riddle, I will not let anyone die.



It's been a couple of hours and all classes have ended so our group is hanging out in the courtyard. Mattheo has been silent and I'm starting to feel really bad for yelling earlier. I know it probably didn't phase him but he's going through a lot right now—I shouldn't have gotten so angry.

I also am not sure if Mattheo told Draco and Theodore, he said he doesn't want anyone to know but they are his friends, right? "So, have they told you anything about the first task?" Draco asks Mattheo.

Mattheo looks up from the ground and his eyes are blank "No."

"Really? I think I heard Cedric talking about dragons." Theodore says.

My eyes widen "Dragons?!"

Mattheo meets eyes with me—but this time his eyes look glossy and sad.

I take a breath as we stare at each other "Okay well if you two stop staring we can get up and go ask Rory's brother." Pansy says, a smirk growing on her lips as she watches me.

I finally look away from Mattheo and clear my throat "That's a good idea."

I get up off the grassy floor and dust myself off. I force a smile on my lips as I look at my friends "I'll go ask if you guys wanna stay here." I offer

Mattheo stands up and walks over to me "I'm coming with you."

I look over at Lily and she's staring at me with a huge grin on her face "Yeah that's a good idea, you two go. We'll all be here."

I nod and turn to face Mattheo "Let's go find my brother."

We both walk away from our group and start walking around corridors—looking for any sights of my brother. "So...Dragons," Mattheo says, breaking the silence.

I feel my body shiver just thinking about it. "I guess so."

"Look...your brother will be okay."

"I know."

He stays silent for a few seconds "You don't have to act all strong all the time."

"I'm not. He will be...okay. You will be okay."

"So you're fine with admitting you care now?" A cheeky grin spread across his lips.

I sigh and stop walking—turning to face him. "I will not watch you, my brother, or anyone for that matter die, you will be okay—I can't think about anything other than that."

His grin dies down and he clears his throat "Angel..."


He scoffs "Why can't you just admit you care?"

I sigh "I just met you."

"That's not a good enough reason, you can care for someone you just met—I do."

I feel my heart drop. I take another deep breath before speaking "I made a promise to my brother to stay away from you and I already broke it. I cannot sit here and care about a guy who has the blood of the man who sent someone to kill my mother. I especially can't do that to my dad."

"What do you mean sent didn't your mom die a few years ago?"

I don't reply—I did say that. But, that's what my father always told me. "That's what my dad always said," I whisper

He lifts a brow "So there's a chance my father is alive?"

I start stuttering over my words "Maybe I-I don't know."

"What's the story of how your mom died?"

I frown, I do not want to talk about that. Especially with Mattheo. I was in the room where it happened—when it happened. All I remember is screaming and seeing two men—one killing my mom and one in the corner, smiling so wide it looked like his lips would crack at any moment. I remember crying. Then I woke up the next morning, having that little memory, not remembering the men's faces, I can't even remember my mom's face—her last words.

I feel tears forming in my eyes and I start to hyperventilate. "Woah woah woah it's okay.." I hear Mattheo say but, it's muffled. I feel my head growing heavy as I fall to the floor.


the fallen angel, mattheo riddle Where stories live. Discover now