~The Hit.~

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-Y/N's pov-

Marco and I have been together for about four months now. So I know more about him now. He is such a gentleman. The other day, I fell and sprained my ankle and I couldn't walk. Marco carried me to his house quickly and wrapped my ankle around. He then asked me to call my parents and lend me his phone, to my surprise I got to stay at Marco's house for the afternoon then my parents took me to the doctor to get my ankle checked, now I wear crutches to school and Marco helps me with my stuff.

Me and Marco walked to school,(well in my case I limped to school) he held my backpack as he took out any thing that I might trip over. I smiled at him and he smiled back. Star doesn't join us walking to school usually anymore. Since me and Marco have started dating, Star has become the threesome of the group. I try to hang out with her as well but she just wants to give privacy, at least that's what she told me. As we arived at the school, Marco went ahead of me and opened the door for ne and I nodded a thank you as I walked in. We walked to our locker then suddenly someone pushed Marco to the ground which made him drop all his stuff he was holding and hit his head into a locker. I gasped and asked worried,
"Marco are you okay?!"
He mummbled a little before opening his eyes slightly.
"Hey Marco. Miss me?"
marco told me about a guy who bullied him named Lars, he had gone to another school for a few months on the exact day I had come to this school, now he is back.
"Hey Marco, I see your face is still as ugly as ever. HAHAHAHAHAH!"
Everyone started to laug. My hand turned into a fist and I started to shake from anger.
"Your face is so ugly, if ugly was bricks, you'd be the great wall of china!"
"You're so ugly, that when you sit in the sand, cats try to burry you!"
Everybody was laughing. I turned to look at Marco who was shinking away from the crowd. I drew my lips back and lifted my fist.
"You so ugly.."
I punched Lars on his face hard that it made him fall backwards and everyone gasped.
"You know what Lars? You're so ugly, the doctor took one look at you and slapped your parents."
Everyone said,
"Ooooooooooooooooo Burn!"
I looked at them with a death stare and they all started to back away. Then I realized that I wasn't using my crutches, I could walk! I turned around to see Marco looking up at me in amazement, he was still lying on the floor.
"Marco are you hurt?!"
I asked as I panicked.
"I don't know.. My head really hurts.."
I bend down to see the back of his head and gasped.
"Marco! Your bleeding!"
I panicked.
"W-what? Bleeding?"
His eyes widden, I knew he was scared so I hugged him.
"It's going to be okay Marco. Let me help you up. I lifted him up to he would be standing up. He look bery hurt the I remembered who did this. I turned around and bend dow to be face to face with Lars. "Run Or I will crush your face and all your bones."
He ran away like a whimp and I put one of Marco's arms over my neck and helped him to the nurse's office.

I helped Marco out the nurse's office. His head was wrapped around to prevent bleeding. He was still in very much pain. They told me to take him home. I looked up at him and kissed him on the cheek. He didn't seem to notice, guess his mind must not be on earth at the moment. I opened the door to the house. Mr. and Ms. Diaz came quickly to the door and asked Marco,
"Marco! What happened to you? You need to rest!"
Ms. Diaz said worried.
"Mr. Diaz I can explain later, I need to get Marco to his bed so he can rest."
I said concerned about Marco's health,
"Oh yes! Take him to his room."
Mr. Diaz replyed. I took Marco to his room and slowly layed him on his bed. His eyes were closed. He looked very hurt. I took off his red sweater so it wouldn't cause too much heat for him. I kissed his cheek as I opened the door and walked downstairs to explain the story the Diaz.

-Marco's pov-

I only saw darkness. My body ached, my head hurt, I had bruses on my back. I opened my eyes slightly. I heard a familiar voice.
"....yeah mom! I'm going to stay at Marco's house so I can help him...... Really? I can!? Thank you!.... Love you too, Bye." *blep*
I closed my eyes, I knew that was Y/N. I felt a soft kiss touch my cheek.
"Marco.. I hope you will recover soon."
She stopped for a moment and finally said,
"I miss you Marco."
I felt tears hit my hand.
"It should have been me Marco, not you."
Y/N was crying,
"I maybe could have saved you from getting hit so hard if I responded early."
"I'm sorry Marco!"
She hugged me where I didn't have bruses.
"It's not your fault Y/N."
I told her softly, she looked up,
"Marco your finally awake!"
she said happily. She kissed my lips and looked at me"Marco I'm going to take care of you."
She stroked my hair and smiled.
"Thank you Y/N, No one could have a better girl friend than you."
With that I closed my eyes and drifted off in sleep.

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