Chapter 22

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There was a dining table for six people in the kitchen. The Zhang family ate in the dining room, and the servants ate in the kitchen.

Mrs. Wang came late, so the others had already eaten.

"What took you so long?" someone asked.

"Hmph! That b*tch is such a liar! Master has a terrible temper and scolded her so much as soon as he got home. She then packed up a pile of clothes to throw away, and asked me to go up and help her. There was a big pile of clothes and I thought of checking them out first to see if I can maybe pick some for my daughter to wear at work. But after taking a look, the clothes are all halter necks, backless, and even crop tops. How can those be worn at work?" replied Mrs. Wang.

Everyone was amused.

Yuna went downstairs to eat, wrapped like a nun, her eyes were a little red, and her face was tensed.

Bakehyun  only glanced at her and said, "It's good for you to dress like that from now on."

Yuna already knew that Lisa had complained, so her heart itched with so much hate.

The stupid daughter, whom she gave birth to, also said, "Mom, you look good in that style."

Yuna was angry deep inside, so she raised her hand intending to slap her stupid daughter's head. But Lisa's cold gaze flew over and cut off her thoughts.

The expression in Lisa's eyes was clearly saying, 'Try hitting her.'

Bakehyun also frowned at his wife.

Yuna felt cold in her heart, rubbed Eunha's head stiffly, and said angrily, "Eat your meal."

Bakehyun turned his head and asked Hanbin, "Has Hanbin been naughty today?"

Hanbin replied loudly, "No! I finished my homework in the morning! Eldest sister said that I can play casually in the afternoon! Second sister also lent me her game console and I said thank you to her!"

When Bakehyun heard that, he felt that his children were harmonious and his young son was sensible, which made him really happy. He opened his mouth to praise Hanbin, but Yuna interrupted him. "Why do sister and brother have to say 'thank you' to each other? Do you really have to receive some gratitude for letting your brother play your game console?"

She was now staring at Eunha. In a habit, Eunha bowed her head and shrank her neck.

The harmonious atmosphere of siblings and the whole family was ruined just like that.

Bakehyun was speechless at first.

Lisa  didn't want to bear the responsibility of educating an adult, so she didn't say anything and only sneered.

Bakehyun's face was red with anger, so he scolded Yuna, "Shut up! What nonsense are you talking about?! Is there such a way of teaching children?"

He quickly touched Hanbin's head. "Hanbi did the right thing. Whether at home or outside, you have to be polite."

Yuna was angry and bitter after losing face in front of the children. She really didn't know how could she be wrong and thought, why does Bakehyun  treat me unfavorably today? I already said that I will change the way I dress!

She thought bitterly, tomorrow, I will buy a cabinet of old aunt's clothes to show him!

He is the one who obviously likes me to dress sexy! And now, he's pretending?! Seriously?!

Bakehyun said to Hanbin, "Okay then, let's lift the punishment for you in advance and let your mother take out your game console."

But Hanbin refused it, "I don't want that anymore. I want a new one. Second sister has a new model."

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