Chapter 3

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Lisa wiped her face and stared at the little boy in front of her .She was surprised to know that Hanbin was so young now.

Hanbin was seven year old this year now , the age when children suddenly became disobedient . He saw that Lisa was successfully attacked , so he laugh hard and leaned forward  and backward a typical exaggeration made by a child deliberately.

Back then the fifteen- year old Lisa  chased him downstairs , scolded him loudly and quarreled with Yuna  who was defending him which delayed their time . When the family  arrived at the reception her grandaunt birthday banquet had already began , so the family was very disrespectful .

Her grandmother had lost her face in front of her sister-in-Law and was very upset . Yuna was the wicked person who complained first , saying that it was Lisa  that wasted everyone time and made them late .

what was even more hateful that
Hanbin took  the small water gun and ruined the skirt that Lisa later change into birthday banquet.

At that time , Lisa only hated Yuna in her eyes .She felt that many witness  could prove that Hanbin  was naughty
and not that she was wrong . So she angrily pulled him up to quarrel with  her , completely disregarding the occasion .

Naturally it made her grandmother lost more face .

The fifteen - year - old Lisa  didn't realize at that time that her extreme behavior had gradually alienated her relative who felt sorry for her at first .

For example her grandmother and her father.

At this time Lisa stared at the seven-year-old Han in ,who suddenly laughed.

"You're good " . She pretended to be fierce and said " If you do it again , I will ask Dad to beat your ass" .

That was a false statement because the Zhang family basically didn't hit their children . Bakheyun even regarded Hanbin as a treasure . Therefore, even a child like Hanbin  cold see Lisa  bluff.

The little brat was not afraid of his sister bluffing . He bulled his eyelid and stuck out his tounge , which arrogantly provoke her " Leh ,leh ,leh Go ahead"  after that he ran away.

" Don't be angry , don't be angry , he is still a kid " Mrs Luo pulled Lisa back into the room. "Don't bother yourself
arguing with the like of him .How old is he ? "

After Lisa entered in her puberty , her temper become more and more irritable . She had a fight with  woman with surname Liang for three days and would have a big fight with her for five days .But she  was a half - grown adult , so how could she still  fight with Yuna ? Furthermore Yuna
could say a lot of nonsense to bakheyun to every day since they shared the same room . But Lisa always yelled at bakheyun because of her unstable emotion , which gave him a headache whenever he saw her, so he was getting more reluctant to see her .

In the end , Lisa suffered .

Mrs Luo grasped her arm very hard , and she knew the reason why . In the past Mrs Luo has always advised her  not to confront Yuna head on  because she would suffer loss for nothing . However , she couldn't just listen and endure all of that .

In the end the outcome was that her relatives turned away from her as if she was the outsider of the family.

when she was reborn , Lisa said to herself that she would not make the same mistake again.

She patted Mrs Luo hand and said " it's okay . I don't bother with this little brat anymore ."

Mrs Luo was relived , so she let go of her arm  and pushed her into the closet again " That's right! just ignore him " .

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