FFI Asia Prelim Start

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With Japan's national team, Inazuma Japan, have been gathered, they are currently preparing for the world youth soccer tournament, Football Frontier International. With the Asia prelims will soon begun, Inazuma Japan will have to train as best as they can in the two week time.

(Next Day)
(Inazuma Soccer Garden)

In the early morning, near the dorm area, Kaminari, Homura, Suiryuu, Higashi and Yuuya are jogging together. They usually does this every morning when it comes to normal jogging.

Kaminari: *in mind* Inazuma Japan's training camp just started, and we are preparing for the preliminary of Asia area will start. Coach told me to be the captain again, but this isn't what I really wish for.

After jogging, they went to the seaside to watch the sunrise.

Homura: Senpai, you really like watch sunrise?

Kaminari: No, Higashi and Yuuya the one who always bring me to the tower.

Yuuya: That place is where your Dad always go to.

Higashi: At least appreciate the place where he wanted to be at.

Kaminari: Don't speak like it was easy to get me there.

Suiryuu: Now I really wanna know how you two drag him there.

Kaminari: Don't any of you even try to ask about that, I really hate that.

After that, they went to the main building. All of the players are there, waiting for them to arrive. They went to the cafeteria and have a breakfast together, cooked by their managers with some help from the female players. Kariya came to the cafeteria and meet with them, telling them to go to the field and do a formal introduction to each other so they know their teammates better.

At Field Alpha...

Once they done with breakfast and some short rest after the meal, they change into their uniform and head to the Field Alpha, one of the two open field in the facility. The team gathered together as Kaminari stand in front of them.

Kaminari: I know most of us have known each other, but we don't know well enough. First of all, you don't like it or not, I'm the team captain, Endou Kaminari. My number is 9, and my position is forward.

The other players look at each other, before they start introducing themselves one by one.

Kirishima: I'm Akai Kirishima, number 1 and a goalkeeper. I'm a student back at Teikoku Academy.

Higashi: The name's Hazama Higashi, number 20 and also a goalkeeper. I was in Raimon with our Captain.

Fuyu: I'm Mito Fuyu, number 15 and a defender. I was a midfielder back at Teikoku, but I'm fine with this position if it benefit the team.

Kenzan: Kusanagi Kenzan, number 5 and a defender. I was a former captain for Zero.

Kotaro: I-I'm Arashi Kotaro! You can call be Kotaro if you like. M-My number is 4, and I'm a newbie back with Dragonlink!

Kiba: I'm Okami Kiba, number 2 and a defender. I was a forward back at Hakuren, but this role was given to me so I'm okay with--

Nanae: Me, me next! My name is Yukimura Nanae, number 3 and also a defender! I was a captain for Hakuren and a forward, too!

Kiba: Hey, don't steal my time to speak!

Nanae: And after that--

Kaminari: We're in a hurry, so get quick.

Inazuma Eleven: Ore Tachi no Soccer Damashi (FFI/Rewrite) Where stories live. Discover now