The Long-Time Rivals

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After the match against Storm Wolf, a time gap for semifinals and finals for Asia prelims would be a week so Haruki and Takumi will get some time to rest before they can play in the next match. Hitoshi's status as a spy has been revealed, while the team become wary of him, Hakuryuu, Kariya and Kaminari choose to put him to use.

Few Days Later...

At least five days have passed, Haruki and Takumi's injury almost healed. With Hitoshi having to train mostly on his own or along with Kaminari, others didn't show any sense of wish to team up with him because he is a spy.

(Inazuma Soccer Garden)
(Field Beta)

Despite his injury, Takumi secretly training on his own during the night. The reason he train at night because he don't want to anyone to know he is training.

Takumi: Again...

He kick the ball into the air, and he jumps into the air when pair of dark wings appear at his back before enter overhead position. The dark wings disappear and engulf the ball with dark energy.

Takumi: Devil Sword!

He sent the ball flying across the field and enters the other side goalpost. Takumi land on the ground and sigh, wipe his sweat from his chin.

Takumi: Still no good...

He look at his hands.

Takumi: My shoot is consist in technique, and more speed than power. Endou, Suiryuu, and Kishibe are the forwards.

He feels his right leg is feeling better, but felt some of sting there.

Takumi: Damn it... I really need to make sure my body fully healed when match against Australia. But the other technique...

He thinks of the technique he been practicing, but it require great height and he haven't complete it yet.

Takumi: I really need to be quick on this.

???: Hey, Takumi-kun!

He flinched before turn around, before seeing Asuka who give him a serious expression.

Takumi: *sweatdrop* C-Crap...

Asuka: *walk into the field* Takumi-kun, just what do you think you're doing? Your leg hasn't healed yet and you start practicing already?

Takumi: N-No, this is...

Asuka: Geez, why are you always like this? Not just training late but also training when you were injured? You really need to be restrained so you won't move around so easily!

Takumi: *in mind* Aww, man...

Because of that, he get dragged back to the dorm by Asuka who later scold him.

(Next Day)
(Raimei Training Hall)
(Forward Area)

The forwards are doing their shoot training, while keeping the balance and trying not to fall into the water again. After the training ended, the floor comes out back and connect with the platform, allowing them to stand properly.

Suiryuu: The platform move around much faster than before.

Tsukasa: It makes us even more unbalance, but it feels much better than nothing.

Kaminari: *stand up* Now then, let's go for field training this time.

Isamu: Wait up, Mr. Captain. There is something that I'd like to ask you.

Kaminari: What is it?

Isamu: Why is that spy is still in our team, and not get rib of?

Kaminari: Ask Coach. There's nothing I can do.

Inazuma Eleven: Ore Tachi no Soccer Damashi (FFI/Rewrite) Where stories live. Discover now