Stop Breaking Me

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The endless salty tears stream down her face. Once again, they had managed to ruin everything. She had thought she were fine; the day had started out well, a little sleep deprivation from late night art sessions and the overuse of caffeine, but otherwise it had only been heading up.

Of course, however, the universe didn't want her to be happy. It never did. It devastated every attempt at getting away, at maybe getting clean. She had been trying so hard for herself and the one she loved. She had been eating and even cut her nails short to stop her beautifully harmful habit.

People see it as an enigma, the way that sadness cause result in self- mutilation. The fact that one can turn against the very human instinct that longs for life and safety; all for a release of emotion.

The assassins of all joy in her life has struck a chord. The blood seeped from injury to her soul. They wouldn't see what they did to her because it was all for love. However, that's not love. Love isn't meant to destroy a person, to maim them beyond recognition and let them take it out on themselves.

They were supposed to love her, to care for her, yet all they did is tear her apart.

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