Chapter Two: A loving connection

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"How was Ella?"

"I really like her, Celia."

"It's hard not to enjoy such a wondrous and fresh creature. Would you like coffee?"

"Yes, please."

I was back in Celia's kitchen, having escorted my first client to the front door and seen her out. I'll confess to having watched Ella almost skip twenty meters up the sidewalk before the chauffeur held open a rear door to her silver Bentley Flying Spur.

Just before ducking inside the car, I was treated to a backward glance, a splendidly wicked smile, and a tiny wave.

A strong coffee aroma dragged me back into the present. I stared and saw three tiny chocolate-sprinkled love hearts floating on a creamy cappuccino.

"Thank you."

"Don't catch feelings for any of these clients, Andrew."

"I realized that might be a problem immediately after Ella swallowed my cum."

"Oh wow, she swallowed on the first session?"

"Yep. The whole damn lot."

"Good girl."

"I suspect she has researched online before asking her father to pay for these lessons."

"Just don't catch any feelings, please."

I worried her warning might have come too late. With nine lessons, I was already missing the flighty, adventurous eighteen-year-old.

"Do we have many clients like her?"

"You mean ones that want novice practice and coaching?"


"She's the first, and technically her dad is the client. He's been coming here and seeing me for years."


"You don't approve of our mutual profession, Andrew?"

It was a moment of truth, and I knew Celia studied me with all the instincts women share about reading other people's body language.

"I don't have a problem with it."

"What then?"

"A father with a mistress who asks her to secure the services of a training bull is not what I expected to discover today."

Celia smiled, and a tense moment evaporated.

I passed her test.

"Ella is the first girl to come here for formal coaching, but you are my only Bull, so this is all new territory for me."

"What about Ella and me? How did that happen today?"

"Her dad saw you here a couple of weeks ago while visiting me. Ella approached him to ask for help, and he put two and two together, spoke to me, and then today happened."

"What's next, Celia?"

"I've sent out your bio."

"I have a bio?"

With coffee in hand, she wandered nonchalantly to a small desk in an adjoining office, selected a few sheets of paper, stapled them together, and slid a neat-looking bio under my nose with several photographs of me.

"It went out a few days ago to a mailing list comprising friends and family members who enjoy the company of men like yourself from other service providers."

"What kind of a man am I?"

Celia eyed me up and down, enjoying soaking up my physique and, I hoped, my honest and kind disposition.

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