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     IT WAS A WARM spring day in Dorne when Jane Nandor finally set foot back home after many years.

  Her body ached from the grueling journey, yet she was filled with hope. It had been too long since she had seen her homeland. For the first time in years, she felt a sense of safety, hugging her like a blanket over her shoulders.

  She was looking thoughtfully at the sunny landscape when the voice of her companion interrupted her thoughts:

  "Hey Princess! I got something for ya!"

   Jane turned to see a beautiful grey horse that was now looking at her with its dark, mesmerizing eyes. She smiled at the sight, walking up to him and patting his neck.

  "Thank you, Rodrik." she nodded, before she put her foot into the stirrup and mounted her new horse. "Shall we?"

  "Lead the way." he said.



  Jane was watching the stream of the water when she suddenly heard the crunch of breaking branches behind her.

  She gasped turning around and backing away. With a pounding heart in her chest, she looked around in search of any signs of danger. Going into the forest alone was not a good idea, especially just before sunset. But childish curiosity won and little Jane was unable to resist the mystery of the small forest she discovered.

  Something rustled, giving her goosebumps. Her little body began to back away when suddenly she heard a sweet voice from behind:

  "Excuse me?"

  Her head snapped into that direction, where she saw another girl just around her age. She was short, dressed in beautiful, lavage dress that Jane never saw before. It was a shade of yellow with a hint of orange, girded with a silk scarf.

  "A-are you lost too?" she asked again, her voice shaky.

  Jane was speechless.

  The girl bit her lip, looking around. She seemed scared, anxious even and at that point they were the same.

   "Running away from my brothers was a stupid idea. But this forest looked so magical that I had to..." she sniffled, tears streaming down her beautiful dark eyes."I'll never see my family again! I'm going to die here! Alone, in the middle of nowhere and—"

  She was cut off by Jane putting her arms around her.

  "It's okay, you're with me." she said, letting the girl clench to her like her life depended on it.


   Jane blinked away the memory before it could take away her focus. She rode slowly, moving gracefully forward on the gray steed, keeping her head high.

  Her companions remained behind her, allowing themselves to be led across the land of Dorne. They chatted happily, bursting into laughter from time to time or humming one of the famous songs.

  That was until they finally reached Sunspear.

  They stopped on the hill, that allowed them to have look on the beautufil city, where Jane was born. From a distance they saw the town and the small silhouettes of the people who filled it. People she grew up with.

𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 · oberyn martellWhere stories live. Discover now