0 2. L I T T L E D O V E

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When Jane woke up her bed was way too soft than usual.

Then she came to realise that she wasn't in the tavern and her friends were nowhere to be seen. She sat up straight, looking around her surroundings. The chamber seemed much larger to her in the light of the morning sun that streamed in.

Not even ten minutes later the door opened, making Jane cover herself with a silk duvet. The maids entered the room and quickly closed the door, making her sigh in relief.

"Prince Doran wished for you to get ready for the breakfast."

"Good," she mumbled while stretching out. "I'm fuckin starving."

The maids looked at her visibly confused. Were they expecting some high born girl who loved flowers and tales about the brave knights?

"He also wanted you to have this." one of the girls put a long yellow material on the bed, making her tilt her blonde head, frowning.

"What is this?" her fingers caressed the cloth.

"It was made for you, Lady Nandor." she explained, looking at the beautiful dress.

She winced. "You're joking right? Bring me some pants and a cotton shirt. Oh and a cup of wine. I'm too sober for this shit."

That's how she end up dressing in the matter of minutes, with a sweet taste of dornish wine on her tongue. She didn't asked for help apart from the part when she had to fix her ruffled hair.
Alaya —because that was the name of the servant— helped her make a braid and even offered to bring some jewels but Jane refused.

She didn't want to be accused of stealing and besides after the breakfast she'll be gone. Probably until she and her companions will decide to return to the North.

"You're very beautiful, my Lady." Alaya gave her a smile looking at the reflection in the mirror. "Like a true Queen.*

"I disagree. There's not much virtue in me, there never was but I tried my best to blend in."

"Your hands are strong." she asserted.

"Yes, the are. I'm always carrying my sword with me so perhaps—"

But Alaya was quick to interrupt her:

"A sword? It is unbecoming for a lady to use a sword."

"Here's where you wrong sweet thing." she turned to look at her and pulled a few strands of hair behind her ear. "Everyone thinks that only men are worthy to serve as knights, rule as kings and make the world tremble. But the truth is, they are nothing without the women. Women are equally capable of ruling and dividing. Giving and taking. Bringing a life into the world and taking it. You should remember that the next time you let a man put his hands on you."

Alaya remained silent letting her leave the chamber with a sense of pride.

* * *

"You said what?"

"The truth, brother. I only speak the truth." Oberyn didn't hesitate to reply. "I waited 10 years to say it."

The dining room was filled with a quiet groan coming from the Prince. It started when they noticed that she was late for the breakfast.

"She is our friend, Oberyn." he retorted. "Have you forgot how dear she was to our sister? To you?"

"What are you talking about? She wasn't-"

Doran made a face causing him to huff in annoyance.

Why did he had to always be right?

The door opened. Both of the brothers stood up from their seats expecting to see her in the dress, with head lowered as a sign of respect.

What they saw was...well everything that Oberyn expected at the first place.

She was dressed in cotton pants and white shirt with sleeves. Her blonde hair was now put up in a braid, probably made by one of the maids. She proudly kept her head up, walking towards them with an unreadable expression on her beautiful face.

"Your Highness." she bowed to them, standing next to the table. "My Prince."

My little dove is a tease, he thought to himself proudly before taking his seat again.

"You're not wearing the dress." Doran said, as if he didn't know her at all. "Did you not like it?"

Jane sat in front of them and straightened her posture.

"You should know by now that I'm not fond of dresses, my Prince. The last time I wore a dress was about a decade ago."

"Yes, I remember." he hummed deeply. "You looked beautiful."

It was Elia's wedding. She had to look beautiful. Even if it meant getting dressed in uncomfortable dress that made her feel way too exposed for the eyes of the guests. Martell brothers would always jest that if one day Jane would pick a dress the world will came to an end. And indeed it did. A couple of months later  the world shattered to pieces, the sky opened and let it tears drop on the ground, soaked with their sisters blood. That day changed everything.

"How was your rest?" Oberyn found his voice after coming back from his thoughts.

Her jaw shifted slightly but she managed to keep a straight face.

"Pleasant." words barely got out from her throat. "Although I was wondering if someone finally helped that poor woman who was screaming."

"Screaming?" Doran furrowed his brows.

"Yes, poor thing was calling all the Gods. She must've been in terrible pain." her eyes fixed on his younger brother for a mere second before dropping to her plate.

Oberyn cleared his throat, pushing away the urge to tell her that the woman got taken care of just fine by him.

"Maybe our dear friend just happened to hear some guests having too much fun, brother. It is a very often event, especially here."

"Really?" Jane interrupted. "You should check if she's alright, then."

"I'll keep it in mind." the older brother sent his brother a scowling look but he only rolled his eyes. "Would you like to-"

Jane stood up from her seat and Oberyn right after her. She frowned exchanging looks with him, confused.

"Thank you for letting me stay, Your Grace. It was truly an honor to witness such...memorable night here. I will forever remain grateful for your hospitality, My Prince. Now if you do not have anything against, please allow me to return to my companions."

"Lady Nandor-"

"Farewell, Prince Oberyn." she added in a quiet, more hurtful tone, something in her gaze making his heart squeeze in pain.

The minute he finally gathered the courage to speak up, she already crossed the threshold and disappeared in the hallway.

* * *

an: here's an update, not edited of course so if you see any mistakes, feel free to correct me ^^

see you (hopefully) in the next one <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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