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They headed toward the dining room where the guests were awaiting their arrival. As she took in the scene, she realized that she was not familiar with any of the faces around her. However, everyone seemed to know who she was, an odd and unsettling sensation that caused her stomach to churn. She felt out of place among this gathering, like a stranger among friends. Her uncertainty and discomfort only grew with each passing minute, unable to shake off the uneasy feeling that seemed to permeate the space around her.

Jane was given a seat at the centre, while Oberyn sat next to Doran as the rules dictated. That made her feel relieved.

She tried to focus on her plate, filled with delicious food that was prepered for the feast. She found it hard to swallow every bite of the meat or the sweet taste of dornish wine. It was strange to feel it once again.

Soon enough she was drawn into a conversation between two warriors. One of them argued that he knew the North much better than she did, but the other defended her. She decided to stay quiet, sipping her wine and watching as they cursed at eachother while eating.

Apart from feeling like an outsider, she felt a slight excitment to be here. She remembered it like it was yesterday when she and Elia would eat breakfast in here just to rush through the doors after the meal and begin their play. Jane was often invited to the palace, but she never went there alone. She was always sent for, whether by order of the Princess of Dorne or secretly from Elia herself, and she always would be there in the matter of minutes.

Sunspear Palace was her second home.

But now she wasn't sure she could call it that after years spent abroad.

"You look like you're having a hard time, child. Why is that?" she was roused from her thoughts by one of the guests. He wore a silk gold tunic girded with gold.

"It's just an impression." she explained shortly. Was she that transparent? Was her fake smile and straight posture such a poor cover for her discomfort?

"I've met a lot people in my life, dear child. Trust me when I say you can't fool me, I know that look on your face and it keeps me wondering what hell you had to go through?" he leaned in, his voice barely breaking through others.

Jane felt a lump forming in her throat.

"That's not a story I would like to tell you about." she sent him a soft smile, playing with her cup. "Let's just say, life wasn't fair for me."

"And who you might be?" he rosed an eyebrow, trying to figure her out like everyone else.

"Nobody," she exhaled.

The man huffed at her response.

"I doubt that Prince Doran would invite someone who call himself nobody." he smirked knowingly, turning his head to look at the oldest brother.

Jane bit the inside of her cheek.

"I used to be close with Martell's family as a child." she found the courage in herself to look at Oberyn who was busy with getting his hands on one of the servants. She quickly turned her head back, not wanting to be caught staring.

"Used to?" the old man echoed her words. "May I ask what happend?"

This was the part where Jane didn't know what to answer, even though the words were already on her tongue. She didn't want to lie to him without knowing his identity or status. She had to be careful about this.

"Robert's Rebellion." she replied simply, drowning the curses that wanted to escape her mouth in wine. "I had to leave Dorne, with no expectation of returning here until today."

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