Who is it?

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After an hour I was getting tired and Jasper had taken me home. Now I was taking a shower. It was currently 2 a.m and I was surprised mom hadn't come and asked why I was taking a shower at this hour. But with surprise came relief since that meant she hadn't been up since she locked herself in her room with the candy bag.

I wake up tangled in my covers. Last night I had planned on going to Alexa's house today just for old times sake. Well, not really for that, it was actually to see if I could think of something if I saw her house.
I reached for my phone and couldn't find it so I get out of my bed and raise the covers, I hear a loud tud and smile. I crawl over to the other side of the bed and retrieve my phone from the floor. I look at the time and it's 12 p.m. That's as early as I wake up in the weekends and I'm happy I didn't wake up earlier than that.

I make my way to the kitchen and see a paper on the fridge being held by the magnet we got when we went to New York.
The paper reads 'Had to run to the hospital, love you'
I crumple the paper in my hands and throw it into the trash. Of course she had to go to the hospital, she's always there. My dad left mom when she told him she was pregnant and honestly I don't wanna know anything about him either.

I sigh and open the fridge to see what I can eat. There's left off pizza from friday and that has to do. I like pizza better, reheated than fresh. When I told Alexa she disagreed and we debated about it for a whole day, she ended up winning because I got tired.

I ate my pizza and started straightening my hair. Its not that I don't like it curly, I just find it easier to manage if it's straight. When I finish I put on a purple tank top that finishes on top of my belly button and some shorts with my normal black sneakers. I grab my keys and make my way to my car.

I'm not surprised to see the driveway deserted when I get to Alexas house. I was used to seeing two cars all the time. If she were here we would be drinking soda with two bags of M&Ms on the sidewalk talking about boys. I want to tell her so much stuff. I turn off my car and decide to just sit there and listen to the silence that should have been filled with our laughs.

"Um,can I help you with something?"
I jump at the sound of the voice outside my window. The girl is tapping at it waiting for an answer. I roll down my window and say " Have you seen the people that live in this house?"
"I saw a car stop in front of it and look at it for a long time last night, but nothing else since two weeks ago" she says very serious.
I smile and say "Thanks, I'm gonna go now"
She smiles back and says "Sure thing" she turns around and goes walking down the road. Who could have been here? I turn on my car and leave. I choose to go to Burger Kings, my favorite fast food because that pizza slice disn't satisfy me.

Later, I get home to find mom sleeping on the couch, I turn off the t.v and go up to my room to see if I can do my homework. Just two more weeks and school is over, I can't wait.

I finally finished everything and I'm laying on the floor next to my bed, scrolling through my phone, social media has nothing interesting for me today so I turn off my phone and stand up from the floor. I sit on my bed and start changing channels on my t.v. I can't wait for tomorrow to come. I have never said that in my life but it's true. I need to know where that phone is.

My phone starts buzzing so I pick it up from the floor and see that it's Jasper calling.
"Hello" I say before he has a chance to talk.
"You know that I love you,right?" He always starts like that when he wants something.
"What do you want?" I say.
"Haa" he says in mock hurt and surprise before continuing "You think of me that poorly?"
"Yes, I do actually" I answer.
"Very well, I wan't 40 dollars"
"What for?" I ask. This is not the first time he asks for money.
"I wan't to buy this guy I like something"
"What?" I ask. This surprises me a bit.
"What what?" He says and I roll my eyes at this.
"What are you planning on buying?"
"I don't know, that's why I need you to come with me"
"Fine, but you're paying me back"
"When have I not?" He asks.
"You still owe me 10 dollars from that date you went!"
"Ugh, fine. I'll repay when I start working" he says in a whinny voice.
"And when is that?" I ask.
"This summerrrrr" He drags out summer letting me know he's lying and I say
"Of course you are"
"Yes,I'm coming for you so get ready" he says
"I'm always ready" I say making him laugh.
"Mhm, bye, kisses" He says and hangs up.

After we go to Walmarts and spend an hour looking for the perfect thing for the guy, who I now know is named Tony, he drops me off at home at 5 p.m. I change from my short to my favorite sweatpants.

I wake up to my alarm making that hideous noise. I hit the snooze button and take 5 more minutes. When I go into my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I cringe, my hair is all over the place and I have a bit of drool on my cheek, ew. It's really hot today so I'm just going to wear my sneakers, light blue skinny jeans and the tank top that covers most of my belly.

When I get to school I find Jasper talking to a guy and from were I'm standing I can see it's Tony by the way Jasper is leaning into him a bit, obviously interested in the conversation. I walk past him and Jasper sends me an air kiss, I swat it away and he gives me a mock hurt look. I smile and turn around going to my locker.

At lunch I see Jasper sitting at our usual table so I make my way over there. Before I reach him someone touches my shoulder and I turn around to see Jack giving me a shy smile. My face goes from who are you to what the hell do you want in the second it took me to recognize his face.
"Um, hi" he says.
"Hello" I choose to not go crazy on him and wait to see what he has to say. It won't make it any batter anyways.
"I wanted to apologize for not going to the movies"
"Why didn't you go?"
"I, um, I had to...study"
"You're lying"
"Ok, the guys invited me to a party this girl was having"
I feel a little hurt, who am I kidding, I feel alot hurt. He stood me up for a party. I was reaching too high when I thought he maybe liked me.
"Ok" I answer as serious as I can. I don't want him to see me hurt.
"I'm truly sorry, can we go out next weekend?"
I look at him for a moment and say
"I don't think I can next weekend, but thanks for apologizing"

Before he can answer I turn around and walk the last few steps to our chair. There Jasper greets me with "Girl, you should have seen the look on his face when you turned around, priceless, and I'm proud of you, there's not a single girl in this school that would say no to him, or any guy if he wanted to"
"Thanks" I return with a sad smile.

My day goes surprisingly fast after that, Jasper found me after our last period and told me that Rafael was in the lab room. We got there and we found him at the end of the room. He's shorter than Jasper, 5'7 maybe, and surprisingly cute but I put those thoughts aside. I tell him about the situation and he tells us he can help and relief runs through me.

"Um, Nali, where do you live?" Rafael asks me, we're sitting in front of his lockers with our feet under us so no one would trip. I'm taken aback by this question but I still tell him. After that he looks at his laptop and then back at me and says

"The signal comes exactly from your house"

Sorry for not uploading yesterday I totally forgot. And I hope you guys are liking the story. If you guys habe any suggestions just comment, thanks.

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