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It's 10 a.m now. Jasper made us breakfast in bed and we're watching t.v. He hasn't mentioned the video since we woke up and I'm greatful for that. Jasper took the day off too and we're actually thinking of doing the same tomorrow. All morning long he's been trying to cheer me up but he's down himself so it doesn't work much.

"Are we going to do anything at all today?" Jasper asks looking at me.
"Do you have something in mind?" I ask. I don't feel like doing anything but if he brings up a good idea, I might go with it.
"We could, you know, keep looking" he says looking down at his pants.
"We looked already, we didn't find anything"
"Fine, wanna go get some ice cream?" He asks
"Sure" I simply say. I finished the ice cream here the other day. There's no harm on going to the store.

I get ready by putting on a baby blue sweatshirt and black leggins on with a bit of mascara and liner so people don't think I'm a zombie.

Jasper is really goofy all the time but when you need him he's there. And even though he's not getting targeted or looking for Alexa I know he cares about her, they had some kind of weird bond when we met, it's hard to explain.
When I came out of my bathroom Jasper was in yesterdays clothes and he had comed his hair.

"Heyy, you don't look so dead now" He says giving me a smile.
There's the goof I love.
"You don't look that bad either" I say. I know it's a bad comeback but I really don't want to think right now.
I look in my purse for $10 but can't find any when Jasper says in this bad super hero voice
"Don't fret citizen, I'll pay"
"You sound like that grampa that always has diahrrea on tuesdays" I say smiling.
"Why thank you for the self-esteem booster, Nals"
"Anytime" I say and we laugh a bit. It sounds strange and struggled but it still counts.

Jasper drove and I literally thought I was going to die as soon as he hit the gas pedal. But surprisingly we made it to the ice cream parlor safely.
When we entered it was packed even thought it's a thursday at 11 a.m. So we wait in line, half into the line Jasper starts talking.
"What flavor should I get?"
"Your favorite"
"What's my favorite?"
"Yes, you told me the other day"
"My favorite is cookies 'n cream"
"No, you changed to vanilla last friday"
"I'm getting cookies 'n cream anyways"
"Fine by me"

When we finish arguing I noticed we we're three people away from ordering. Jasper orders his cookies 'n cream and I order chocolate with oreos on top. We sit down and Jasper stares at the medium cup of ice cream.
"What is wrong now?" I ask
"Is ice cream a carb?"
"Really? Cause, I really wanna loose 3 pounds"
"Jasper plea... You just quoted Mean Girls! Oh God, why did I fall for that?"
"Because Nali I'm a great actor" He says flipping his invisible hair of his shoulder.
"Or you caught me on an unstable state of mind"
"I'd like to go with the first one"
"I disagree"

We keep play arguing until we finish our ice creams and at the end he has me genuinly laughing and we head back home, this time me driving. I'm not taking any chances with that one. We get back home and into my room and spend the whole day how we started it, with a little brake for pizza.

At 3 p.m were watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S and this episode I haven't seen before catches my attention, there is something to it that makes me think.
"Oh my God Jasper!"
"What?" He says jumping a little, well, alot.
"What if the Y isn't a name but the start of a pronoun!"
"Nali you almost killed me! and that is actually really smart, wow, what pronoun do you think?" He asks
"Um, your maybe, you're"
"It can't be you're"
"I know" I say half defeated.
"It's your..., I don't know, it doesn't add up"
"Maybe you're right" I say. But it still seems right.

Jasper goes home after 5 p.m to look for clothes. After he leaves I take a long shower and take the opportunity to wash my hair thoroughly. When I get out of the shower I feel refreshed. Atleast my skin does. What was Alexa supposed to tell me? She almost told me the name, if she just had said it faster. I sometimes try to pinch myself to see if it's a dream that I will wake up from but it never is and I'm getting tired of this. I liked it when we were just carefree. When I could laugh at anything without pushing the sound out and just letting it escape. When I could think of my bestfriend and see her making a funny face not roped onto a chair. When crying wasn't usual.

A tear escapes and I wipe it off. I get dressed carelessly and when I look in the mirror I have a big sweatshirt and sweatpants. Perfect. Jasper arrives later with a bunch of snacks and alot of water bottles

"You need to hydrate" he told me when he dropped all the bottles on the bed.

By three in the morning we had finished most of the snacks and I was laying my head on Jaspers shoulder watching some show he said was awesome. It wasn't. I was falling asleep when I felt Jasper move slightly, curious I look up. He's staring at me with a straight face.
"What?" I ask feeling dumbfounded.
And something I wasn't expecting happened, something I would have never thought would be true.

He leaned down and kissed me. I liked it...

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