Chapter 1: Home

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*beep, beep, beep*
"Ughhh, this stupid alarm," Hwang Cha-yong said, muffled with her face buried in the pillow.
"She's still a child, go easy on her" Hwang Yu-chan, her dad, said calmly.
*Yurrie sighs*
"Honey, she 16, almost 17, she's had it easy enough; I mean, her mom is still doing her laundry for her, cooking for her and whatnot."
*Yu-chan chuckles and stands up from the sofa then pecks Yurrie on the cheek*
"She'll come around"
"I hope so... "

*In Gangnam-gu*
"Good morning ma'am" the maid bows respectfully.
"Mmh" replies a cold voice.

~Hmm, such a cold-hearted person,right?
Oh I guess I have to introduce myself, hi I'm Hwang Cha-yong... You know the girl in the beginning, the quote unquote "irresponsible 16 year old girl" yh I'm going to have to talk to my mom about that... Moi, irresponsible, ha! Anyways back to the story. The girl u just met right now well, that's the all famous "Miss Kim Yujin" aka "Miss badass", our school's hearthrob and bad girl. She's known for her reckless attitude and flirtatious behavior... (Side note: she's been with almost half the school's population, it's a girls school... Such a player) not to mention her BEAUTIFUL features and her love of black... She loves it like crazy but yh I'm pretty sure you guessed it... I kinda have an itty bitty.... Ok huuuge crush on this player, I mean who doesn't she's perfectly perfect. Ok how many of you can tell me that you know a hoooot girl who can ride a motorcycle... No seriously... Bu- ooh sh*t I'm so late... Again... Can u pls finish this off for me author... Thaaaaanks~

~But wait... I'm not good at narrating... Ugh this girl... Let's just continue with the story... ACTION~

*The maid runs up to Yujin*
"Ma'am, your parents told me to make sure you don't go out partying today because it's a week day"
*stops walking abruptly and the maid bumps into her*
"Oh- sorry ma'am"
*Yujin turns around slowly and walks towards the maid while the maid is moving backwards trying to avoid her gaze*
"Are you..."
*points at the maid's chest*
"telling me..."
*points at herself*
"what to do?"
*pins the maid against the wall*
*Yujin smirks*
"N-n-no m-ma'am." the maid says in scared quiet voice.
"Huh, speak up, I can't hear you.." Yujin whispers sinisterly.
*the maid shakes her head quickly*
"N-no ma'am," she says a bit louder.
*Yujin darkly chuckles*
"That's what I thought..."
*winks at the maid*
"Good girl."
*Yujin turns back around and leaves the house*
*the maid sighs out of relief*

*Back at Cha-yong's house*
*Cha-yong runs down the stairs quickly to the kitchen where her mom and dad were*
"Hi eomma, morning appa, wow eomma love the nails, anyways can't talk gotta ruuuun!!"
*Yurrie sighs while Yu-chan chuckles*
"She'll never grow up, will she?"
"Sweetheart, give her time she'll be fine, don't stress yourself over her too much, hmm"
*pecks Yurrie on the cheek*
*Yurrie smiles*
"Ok, I believe you," Yurrie says softly.

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